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Do I need a new oil pump?

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I don't think that will hurt much of anything. It won't help I'm afraid :-\ but I wouldn't freak over it.


If you want the peace of mind, go buy a new set of oil pump rotors for $120 from the dealer :eek:


I got a compete new pump from napa for 140. Just another option. Only thing is, I hear bad things here on the board about after market (non OEM) oil pump seals.


I only have a couple hundred miles on it so, too soon to tell.



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I would replace the oil pump with a new OEM one - I think that shaft is shot, scoring is BAD on any surface that makes any sort of bearing contact with another surface - I resealed mine at 128k, and it had NO scoring - figure pump cost vs. price of new engine


BTW - aftermarket seals are crap - had them on for 18k and I now have a delay before I get oil pressure of about two seconds, and I am ocassionally getting lash adjuster noise at startup (maybe once every 20 starts) - before it was gushing oil, but had good pressure :-\ - as always soob OEM is best

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i'd reseal the oil pump. in my experience the gasket behind the pump has far more issues than the shaft seal. i have the original pump on my 220,000 mile XT6 motor that has been thoroughly used. i resealed it at 150,000 miles and never had tapping issues. i did a complete reseal, cleaned the HLA's, replaced all cam carrier oil supply orings and resealed the oil pump. i used all aftermarket parts for oil supply seals/gaskets. if you want to buy a new one, do it as that's a fine move as well.

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Get a new pump from 1stsubaruparts.com. Cheaper than NAPA. I reused the old pump on my first rebuild because it looked like it was in decent shape, but it leaked and didn't make good pressure, even by EA standards. That engine eventually came apart. On the next engine I did, I put in a new pump, and it makes great pressure with no leaks from the oil pump.It's $120 well spent, even if you don't "need" it.

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A NEW OEM Subaru Pump Revision B. Cost me only $130 at the dealer I work at.


Go buy a OEM one, we see allot of issues with Aftermarket engine parts on subaru's at my work. It's not worth saving a few dollars, the problems overcome the savings.

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