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searched, no luck....

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My 87 gl seems to have quite a fast idle, 2000 rpm, at start up and will not even kick down. Even after the car is warmed up, it still idles at about 1500 rpm. and also... could anybody explain to me in great detail how the Hitachi carburetor operates and where are all the adjustment screws located and what do all the vacuum hoses going to the carburetor do? if the vacuum hose question is too much trouble to answer then you don't have to answer it.... lol. thanks for any replies.



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hmm, i'm was having this same issue on my 82 gl waggon, but mine would idle down to about 800-900, but then sometimes it would go to 2000 all of a sudden, then only go to 1500, then i would drive it a little bit, and it would be back to normal... it seems to have gone away though. I've used sea foam in the gas, and used some carb cleaner around the outside of the carb. (i'm just realizing that i haven had that problem in awhile)


when i asked before, the responce i got was "clean out the idle air control, it's behind the power steering pump"... but when i went to clean it out with carb cleaner and a nylon brush, it occoured to me that i didnt have power steering, and thier wasnt anything that looked like it, so i checked out autozone.com and they dont list that part for my car...


anyway, if you have one of those, i would try cleaning it out maybe?

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i don't think i have that valve..... i didn't see anything behind the steering pump... maybe it's only on fuel injected engines? I also can't find the darn idle adjust screw..... i looked for it in Haynes and found it in the book..... but i just can't find it. Any suggestions? what else could my high idle problem be? Thanks for any help.

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when i asked before, the responce i got was "clean out the idle air control, it's behind the power steering pump"... but when i went to clean it out with carb cleaner and a nylon brush, it occoured to me that i didnt have power steering, and thier wasnt anything that looked like it, so i checked out autozone.com and they dont list that part for my car...


anyway, if you have one of those, i would try cleaning it out maybe?

somebody told you wrong because a carbed car does not have an idle air control valve - only FI cars have those - carbed cars have chokes for warm-up conditions - those can cause problems too - take the top off the air cleaner and look down, you will see a valve on the carbureator on the barrel closest to you - it should be open at operating temperature


sounds to me like you slow idle adjustment is off - look at the carbureator from the front of the car - you should see (after digging past vacuum hoses) two screws, one that looks like it is at the center of the carb, and one off to the left (facing the car from the front - it has throttle linkage near it) - the one on the left controls your idle rpm once the car is warmed up - clockwise increases rpm, counterclockwise decreases it - the car MUST be at operating temperature when this adjustment is made - the other screw adjusts idle mixture - may need to be done after idle speed is adjusted if you notice any driveability issues


BTW - Subaru_dude - how did you get a fullsize spare under your hood? I tried, but mine was too wide (185 width)

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I had similar problems with my 83 GL-10, I just sprayed the linkage off with some carb cleaner (Ended up having to take the choke housing off as well) and then I sprayed it with some silicone lubricant and it all worked just fine after that :-) I believe there is a spring and/or a vacuum diaphragm that pulls the choke and the fast idle off as the car warms up, perhaps the spring is broken for the fast idle and it's making it stick at the fast idle??? With the engine cold, you should be able to open the throttle and close it again and the choke should shut, and the throttle should stick in the "fast idle" posistion, identifiable by the fact that the idle stop will be spaced off of the idle adjustment screw. (Also, with the car warmed up, or with it cold prior to setting the choke (flooring accelerator and releasing), the idle stop should rest against the idle ajustment screw. If it doesn't, your problem is with the fast idle system. Since you mention that the idle does drop from 2,000 to 1,500 RPM, check to see if the screw is agains the stop after the idle drops, if so, turn the screw out to adjust the idle back down to where it should be (800 RPM in neutral for a manual, or 700RPM in drive for an auto, +/- 100RPM). You should also check your base timing with the engine warm, if it's too far advanced it will make the idle high, should be 8° BTDC @ 800 RPM with the vacuum advance unplugged. If it reads 10 or so at 1500 it's probably okay, but if it reads 15° or more try retarding the timing.


Hope this helps :-) Oh, if anyone is wondering how I got the ° symbol, hold down the ALT key and enter 0176 on the number pad :-)

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mine like to stay up while its warming up , fast idle on mine seems to depend on how much i push the gas its anywheres between 1500 and and 2800 depending, on mine i gota tap the gas pedal just right to drop down the idle and it will go down to about 500.check and make sure that little coolant tube the the right side of the carb isnt snagging the throttle, i had that prob at first.


gotta love the fullsize spare gotta 185 70 13 under mine with about 1/2 tread on it, 85sub you gotta gently wedge it in in the back then squeeze it by the air cleaner to get it to fit, it does take a little effort to get it in there just make sure not to put too much pressure against the aircleaner side when ur getting it in

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