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installing o2 sensor question...

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well, got a couple of sensors so was going to try them out one at a time and cant figure out how to remove it from the cat w/o dropping the y-pipe..i do have the official o2 sensor removal tool but dont have jacks or jack stands and just by crawling underneath there it looks like the y pipe is too close to use that removal tool...


any tips/suggestions or flames? :D

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on an XT6 (similar - y pipes in the way) i use a wrench just fine without dropping anything.


i've also found that some brands are shorter than others, the shorter O2 sensors can be easier to install, depending on clearance issues and what transsmission/differential you have. i seem to recall the manual XT6 having less room than the auto..maybe it's the other way around. couldn't get a bosch sensor in, it was too long and wouldn't seat straight to start threading. but another brand....came from Autozone is all i can remember (and maybe a blue box??) fit right in with no problems. i only drive auto's now so that's why the details are sketchy at best. last time i did my auto i wrenched it out with no problems.

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starkiller has an O2 removal-socket, and it is 4-5 inches long. Guess I should have left him a 22mm wrench :rolleyes: . The socket works OK on my turbos, but they sit "high and proud" in the engine compartment.


Alan, interested in a light-duty floor jack and some 6-ton jack stands? The jack can often be found for $20-25, and I have a couple pair of stands that I got from Harbor freight for $13/pair.


A friendly bump.

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Drop the Y pipe remove the covers, just did it saturday. I cheat a lot and couldn't on that!



same here, it was a real B*&%# to get at - and to beat it all, I stripped the threads PULLING IT OUT :banghead:


fixed it all in the end tho :burnout:

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...and to beat it all, I stripped the threads PULLING IT OUT ...

For neophytes, there is a specified way to remove O2 sensors. I do not remember exactly what it is, but it involves a warm/hot engine, penetrant oil, loosening a partial turn, penetrant, waiting, and then removing.


If you do strip the threads, you can chase the bung hole using a spark-plug thread chaser. Not that I have ever had to do so.... well maybe once.

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