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Having issues with our SVX racer that we need help ASAP with (the sponsors are coming to Sunday's race and she currently doesn't run). Already posted on SVX network but it is more of a subie in general question


Here's the lowdown. Car starts then dies. Fuel pump pumps fuel while key is in start position but not while in on position. My other SVX pumps when in on position. My FSMs don't tell me where the Fuel pump modulator and resister are. I'm assuming that is what I'd check next but don't have a clue where they might be or what they'd look like.



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Does the SVX have a variable voltage pump?


I know the legacies of that era just have a single voltage pump, and only have a fuel pump relay.


If your setup was the same the legacy, I'd look at the ECU or possible the ignition switch being the culprit.


Here's the wiring diagram for engine electrical, and you can see the fuel pump there



The factory manuals should have all the info you need. Not sure if you have them electronically or not. If so, I don't mind taking a look at things to help in troubleshooting.

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Does the SVX have a variable voltage pump?


I know the legacies of that era just have a single voltage pump, and only have a fuel pump relay.


If your setup was the same the legacy, I'd look at the ECU or possible the ignition switch being the culprit.


Here's the wiring diagram for engine electrical, and you can see the fuel pump there



The factory manuals should have all the info you need. Not sure if you have them electronically or not. If so, I don't mind taking a look at things to help in troubleshooting.



Problem found. It was lacking a ground in the rear since the straight pipes were off and the muffler ground is gone. (we've been using plumbers pipe straps to hold it up and without the pipe no ground(.

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I'm surprised it worked in the start position then.


You got me. I thought the same thing but... 1. It is a subaru... 2. It is a weird subaru at that

:lol: .


I've now taken the straping off 2x and put it back on after trying to start it. Won't start w/o it. Will with it.

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