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Subaru Preservation Fund?

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Just out of curiosity. What are peoples thoughts on starting a non-profit organization for the preservation of old subarus. If we can get non-profit status, donations that are made can be tax deductable. We could maybe even get SOA to pitch in and maybe local subaru dealers.


I think that a trusted member of the board could head it and ownership of vehicles would belong to the non-profit org. Would probably need someone with land for storage and such.


We could even have a parts depository where members can send their spare parts.


Heck w/aggressive solicitation of funds/donations it could even become a full time job.


Any takers? I would be willing to make a donation to such an organization.



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Sorry,something about this just ain't right to me.I'll have to think this over but right now I'd say it's much too much of a hassle with becoming a non-profit to bother with.I hate to shoot down an idea,so let me re-read and think about it some more.I'm going off of instinct right now.



It'd work if we all lived near each other.I've thought about starting a Vintage Japanese Club here in CT since the Hispanic population holds a whole mess of wicked cool Toyotas,Datsuns,and a few Mazdas,etc. But I'd be one of a handfull of non Spanish speaking whiteboys in a sea of latinos.Don't go taking that the wrong way now,you hear?I grew up in Bridgeport,CT,not Bumluck Idaho.


SOA back us up? I'm not so sure about that.

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Just out of curiosity. What are peoples thoughts on starting a non-profit organization for the preservation of old subarus. If we can get non-profit status' date=' donations that are made can be tax deductable. We could maybe even get SOA to pitch in and maybe local subaru dealers.


I think that a trusted member of the board could head it and ownership of vehicles would belong to the non-profit org. Would probably need someone with land for storage and such.


We could even have a parts depository where members can send their spare parts.


Heck w/aggressive solicitation of funds/donations it could even become a full time job.


Any takers? I would be willing to make a donation to such an organization.




I thought You WERE talking about Moosens! :lol:

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