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Ok I'm new to subaru . . .and AWD . . . so, what's the deal with replacing all the tires at the same time, the dealer said if you don't will lead to problems, so if I blow out a tire it costs a whole set? Yikes. Also, if I just need to get out of some mud, a 20 foot tow, can that f/u things severely, or at all?


Thanks for any light you can shed.

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You can probably get the tire repaird...so a new set will not be required. You could also get a 5th rim and extra new tire, and rotate them all...so you always have a spare with even wear.


If all wheels are on the ground, you can be pulled out of mud and whatnot.

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If all wheels are on the ground, you can be pulled out of mud and whatnot.


If you have a manual transmission. Automatics do not like to be towed with driven wheels on the ground (has to do with tranny fluid being pushed the wrong way, I think)

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If you have a manual transmission. Automatics do not like to be towed with driven wheels on the ground (has to do with tranny fluid being pushed the wrong way, I think)



My bad...I dont know much about automatics.

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I own a 05 Outback and a 91 Loyale. Having the exact same size tires is vital for all wheel drive. IF you have mismatched tires and or wheels you will hear a huge whine coming from the Transaxel. Not Normal. I tried it on my 91 loyale. If you must mix and match make sure that at a minimum you change the tires in sets. Keeping like tires paired to the front or rear.

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