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She is Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just got sweetbaby girl home....WOW what a trip....went without incident but it was a LOOOONNNGGGG trip..Pauls 84 wagon did an amazing job towing her home...it didnt like the hills but it did GREAT..I started calling it...Little Car with Big Heart. We had a few scarey moments...but luckily nothing happened..plus we lucked into good weather the whole trip...and because of the Luck..she has now been named Lucky.....thats right ..Bucky and Lucky:grin: . I dont know how many times we all said "What the heck were we thinking" and "What is wrong with us..this is insane"


But anyway she is home and I will be having a TON of questions ...I am super happy but have found some concerns..(smokes heavily when started here at home..smelled like raw fuel)..


But I did find a treasure....the original case that her keys came in from back when she was new.


Sorry for no picsof sube towing sube..it was too late and dark.


Anyway more tomorrow

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did Paul forget about me:o


waited since 4pm with the cap.anyway, i`m glad you made it home safe, and lets hear more tommorow.



no,he didn't.....just too tired,and too much to get done untill ohhhhhhhh,about 3AM.'nuff said.....Congrats to Connie!!!!!!!

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So when is this Meet and Greet for the newest member of the subaru family?


Congrats Connie and a very warm thank you to everyone for saving another of a dying breed. :D


So when is this party again... :lol: I can't wait to :slobber: and of course Michelle will be like :confused:



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I think Paul adveraged about 60mph with the coupe loaded..sometimes he crept it up to 70 but that was usually downhill.....and yes it did drift a good bit...specially when a bus or a big truck passed.Plus it didnt want to stop the best or turn very well.....Not something I know I would recommend often.



The wagon was a 4 spd and after just talking with Paul..he said its tired now.He towed his coupe after we were done with mine.


He can explain more

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Yup,pretty much what she said.



The '84 is much better now.I was in 4WD around 12:30 AM Saturday/Sunday trying to back my coupe into a good spot.I worked the tranny a lot that 10 minutes or so.It was resisting reverse,but once I got it back into 2WD all was wonderful again.Tranny acts great once again.Knock on wood.:drunk:


Going up into the mountains was probably the toughest.Connies coupe would tow much better down here in the "flatlands".


My '73 is so light,it barely feels like there's a car there after towing the '82

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