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the center muffler thing

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Should I gut it out, or replace it with a bit of pipe?

It sounds like its leaking and I hate to spoile the sound of this wonderful beast.

If you think i should gut it out. How do I go about doing this? Any links you can get me?

Thanks mates

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if your talking about the one that resides directly under your seat area.. that should be the resonator... you probably could get away with removing it and replacing it with pipe.. check with your local smog/inspection laws before doing it just to be safe.. some areas are anal about removing stupid things like that..


should make it sound "beefier" too without it.. ;)

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I got mine taken off. Replaced with 2.5" stainless steel pipe for half the price of putting another resinator on there. Sounds better without it. Didn't stop or make my backfire any worse. Still running stock muffler and cat. I reckon it gave me about 40 miles extra/tank too. But it was fairly stuffed though...

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