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I need to replace the front brake pads on my daughter's 90 Legacy. never done sube front pads so ??? do I meed to screw the calipers back in or just press them back? also what do I need for tools ? stupid q's, but need info --


Thanks ! Milt

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You only need Basic tools, and a c clamp to compress them works well. Large Channellocks work great too just dont tear the caliper seals. Subaru brakes are very easy to do, just loosen the lower bolt and pivot the caliper out of the way, replace the pads, and bolt back together.

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I use a brake spoon ( the tool that adjusts back brakes) and press the piston back into the caliper by levering against the inside of the inboard pad (be careful not to scar the rotor). The bolts are 12mm, IIRC.

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