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My personal T.O.D

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Alrighty.. i've got this tick/click problem. y'see whenever i drive oh, say over 2500 rpm i get this audible click/tick coming from what seems to be the drivers side of the engine. it is also directly related to the foot on the pedal.. push pedal, noise is there.. let off the pedal noise goes away.. ive done mucho searching of the site and read pretty much every thread related to clicks, ticks and cracks.. (and theres a heckuva lot of em)

is the infamous TOD related to foot on the pedal, or is it just always there?

it also does not appear to be a cv, as both axles are new (12,000 mi) and the boots are not torn. so, any ideas? all answers, ideas, suggestions welcome.. thanks...

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You got my vote for ASV (Air or auto Suction Valve) If you even have one or two? They go from your air box to your exhaust... Uhmm.. If you're talkin about your 92 SPFI.. I dunno.. do they have ASV's? Uhmm... would help if you let us know what car / some specs?

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You got my vote for ASV (Air or auto Suction Valve) If you even have one or two? They go from your air box to your exhaust... Uhmm.. If you're talkin about your 92 SPFI.. I dunno.. do they have ASV's? Uhmm... would help if you let us know what car / some specs?


ya, i was referring to my loyale in my signature.. EA82 spfi

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Okay.. well I don't have much experiance with the ea82.. but the noise you are describing sounds like the ASV .. (I don't even know if they have them on the ea82?) It would be a little thingy that has a rubber hose going to it (from your air supply).. and then a metal tube going out of it into the exhaust pipe right at the header.. If it's the valve's inside the ASV are broken or wore out they would be noisy.. good luck.

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Does the ticking get faster as the engine speed increaces? If so, that sounds like valve lifter tap. Throw some MMO or Seafoam in the crankcase on your next oil change. Do you have an oil pressure guage? Where's it sit at say, 3500 RPM? Should be around the 45psi mark.

That would be my guess.

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ya, the cadence does increase somewhat..i have done the seafoam treatment (crankcase and pcv hose) with no effect. my oil pressure hovers about 40-45 at 4000. next week im doing the t.belts and oil pump gaskets so we'll see if that helps the oil pressure. y'know.. the strangest thing about this is actually WHEN it happens. asy im driving to work at 230.. no clicking or anything. But, later around 11p when driving home from work is when the clicking happens. Basically sounds like a baseball card in a bike wheels spokes, only louder and in relation to throttle pressure. im wondering if it has anything to do with how long i let it warm up. before work i start it up and let it sit for 3-4 minutes. after work it usually runs for a minute or so before i drive away. i dont know... thanks for all the suggestions thus far....

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Sounds like an exhaust leak. The HLA tick should not be load-related, and am pretty sure that the SPFIs do not have ASVs (whose noise, after all, is really just an exhaust leak). The other possibility for load-related noise is rod bearing. But I would go with the more likely first.

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ok, so tonight after work i went and found a nice new butter smooth strip of newly paved road to get a better listen. y'know it does sound a bit like an exhaust leak. a small one perhaps. again, noise seems to be coming from somewhere on the drivers side of the front of the car. noises don't really get to me too much, but im embarking on a another cross country run here in about 11 days, so im thinking it may get kind of annoying. we'll see...

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Check your exhaust. I had a loose nut on the stud connecting the exhaust pipe to the flange and it was causing a tick tick tick when I gave the engine gas as well as when I rolled down a hill in 2nd or 3rd gear.


thanks.. will check that..

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