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Worst radiator contest- with pics!

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Swapped the radiator on the XT DL today. It was, uh, due for a replacement.


Here's a pic of the old "radiator"



Even with the radiator this far gone, the car still didn't overheat! It ran pretty warm, but never went much more than 3/4 of the way up the gauge. With a good rad in, it now stays at about 1/3.


Anyone got one that beats this?

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Wish I had kept the picture of my old radiator that I cracked a head on. Looked VERY similar except mine had a nice green hue to what was left on there LOL


Glad you replaced it tho! I have a friend whos Ranger radiator looked identical... he just kept driving it untill it blew up on the highway.


Incase you are putting 2 and 2 together; yes this IS the same guy who blew up his Subaru, poped the clutch at 65 MPH and kept on driving home! :eek:

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Not sure if I have a picture of the one that came with my brat - but it was a different bad - the fins were mostly still there - but bent to all hell.. but the supports on both top and bottom and busted off and the whole passenger side was tweaked about 1/3 off where it should have been - doesnt sound bad but for reference the only thing really holding it in by a zip-tie and 1 bolt when I took it out to replace it (cap 'neck' was toast so thats what made me take the plunge for a new one) and I had to beat the 'peg' in the support back about 3 inches to fit the new one in :brolleye:


- Erik Hosa - Tacoma, WA -

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Now my mom can wreck a rad. She decided to go just a little further after the crank pully fell of the Loyale and the idiot lights came on,,,@75 MPH,,,but sadly she melted the end tank off the rad before the motor puked,,,My moms an animal with Soobies!

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I had the radiator liberate itself from the lower mounts when I jumped it once a year ago, which is the last time I jumped it. It leaned back right onto the mechanical fan. Needless to say, it was ugly. Several of the tubes were totally torn up and water wouldn't stay in for more than a minute or two. I ended up driving at low speed for about five miles or so to get home, with no apparent overheating issues.

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