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oil question

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i did a search buy nothing, i have a 88 turbo a/t full time 4wd wagon, 100,000mi , different people run different types or weights, but turbo's get hotter and oil breaks down etc.. ,since the weather is getting hotter in the midwest 20-w50 is what i want to run, but not sure of the brand, amsoil, royale purple , castrol , i run amsoil 20-w50 in my 88 dl d/r spfi wagon, 187,000mi ,it really likes it ,but has leaked alittle more , royale purple claims better mpg , less friction , and changing oil every 12,000mi filter at 6,000mi , amsoil and royale purple runs about 6 bucks a qt , and i will be running mobile -1 or wix filters , so i just want to hear what other people are using ?

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My Subaru mechanic uses 15w40 diesel oil, claiming it cleans and protects the engine much better. He's never had an oil-related engine failure in any of his customers using this oil, so it must be doing its job. I also seem to recall our Subaru dealer using 15W40 in our old '86 GL wagon.


Since it's thicker, I always make sure to let the engine run a good minute or so before I drive off to make sure it gets circulating well first. If you have really cold winters, it probably wouldn't be the best oil, but even in central PA here, I had no trouble starting my car this winter, and like the fact that my engine will be protected well this summer when it's hot. I figure if it's good enough for those hard-working big rigs and fleet customers, it's good enough for my soob.



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ok, i can get amsoil from a local store 5.85 a qt , royale purple 5.95 shipped to me . but i may try 15-w 40 , my wife will not let it warm up a full minute , but it is fairly warm in the garage , thanks just wanted opinions

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I've been using Castrol GTX since mid '80s on 4 cars. 2 - EA81s and 2-EA82's.


I use 20-50 in summer and 10-40 in winter. Winters here regularly have temps in low teens to low twentys and occasional single digits. Usually warm up for 4-5 min when temp is below freezing ( also helps get warm air to defrosters to melt ice & snow off windshield). Summer temps often in 80s and 90s with occasional 100+ days with overnight near freezing..


Had 1 EA81 get to 240k when it got totaled, other one still going at about 180k. 1 EA82 currently at 280k the other at 150k. I've never had any oil related problems. All of these were NA engines.


Change oil and filter at 5k intervals.


Don't seen any reason to spend the extra money on synthetics.


Some friends are using Shell Rotella T 15-40 in their cars with good results.


BTW - I also use a non-synthetic in a plane I own. Aeroshell 100 (staight 50W) in summer and Aeroshell 80 (40W) in winter with good results. Engine is a 360 cu in Lycoming air cooled boxer engine (think king size VW bug engine).


Hope this helps.

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My Subaru mechanic uses 15w40 diesel oil, claiming it cleans and protects the engine much better. He's never had an oil-related engine failure in any of his customers using this oil, so it must be doing its job. I also seem to recall our Subaru dealer using 15W40 in our old '86 GL wagon.




We have always used the 15w-40 Chevron oil and have only good things to say about it. Our '88 Suburban has 250,000+ miles on it, and every Soob I've owned I've run the same oil religiously. My B.I.L has a Toyota 4-runner with almost 300K on it - same oil. Same oil goes in his '48 Peterbuilt (and in the 90-something Kenworth hubby drives).

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