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Pics and update


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i finally have it home now. but of coarse i have had some serious problems and all i have to do is the steering and get a front driveline. after that its smooth sailing.... i mean mud flinging... well ne ways. here are some pics of it in my back yard. looks a lot better not in a shop. hopefully you will see it soon on the trails. enjoy :)




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Hmm... I dont know how I missed your buildup of this. :eek::slobber:


More pics pls.. primarily of the transfer case & mounts, and of the shackle points for your springs. :D I'm curious how you've got the leaves secured to the unibody.


Lookin schweet!

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hehehe well to answer your first question the shackles are about 12 inches long and i have a 4 in toyota suspension lift. so prolly roughly around 16 ins or so

and for the second one they are pro comp xterains 35x12.5x15. looks like i could fit bigger tires huh :brow: hmmm just a thought

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O.M.G. that thing is f'in huge. When do you plan on having it finished, and what is the motor going to be that powers it? :headbang: gotta love the little headbanger.




  DeathHatch said:
hehehe well to answer your first question the shackles are about 12 inches long and i have a 4 in toyota suspension lift. so prolly roughly around 16 ins or so

and for the second one they are pro comp xterains 35x12.5x15. looks like i could fit bigger tires huh :brow: hmmm just a thought

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  operose said:
with all these people concerned about turning those 35's I'd be doing an ER27 swap just to appease them :brow:


i was thinking that or a ej22. but for right now... lol stock motor but im going to get my cam redone for torgue.

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  spanky_pete said:
Your XT eats what for breakast, lunch & dinner? :D



I love that Hatch, how does it like turning those 35s?


I eat hondas for breakfast lunch and dinner - subaru. :rolleyes: and i plan to also help turn those tires on gears. i have 4.11s in the axles and i can just use my hi 4 wheel drive on teh dual range. im hoping that will at least move me. it should. but then again i dont plan on going on the free way this is strickly off road.

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  RavenTBK said:
More pics pls.. primarily of the transfer case & mounts, and of the shackle points for your springs. :D I'm curious how you've got the leaves secured to the unibody.
Oh sure.. respond to everybody else's posts and leave me out in the cold. :-\ :-p
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