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1989 Subaru ECU

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The check engine light on my 1989 Subaru GL has been on for the last several years. The car runs fine (relatively), but I would like to know what is causing the light to come on. I have tried to read the codes from the ECU, which I was under the impression of being the box right behind my back passenger seat (accessed via the trunk). However, I can find no lights or buttons/wires to manipulate to obtain the codes, so I wanted to verify that I was looking in the right place for this particular model, and if so, what am I missing with this unit?


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give this link a look see and ask any questions you have


ECU Codes and reading



welcome to the board


nice to see more PAians


the link is from the repair manual on the page Header


here is another



As Glen says

the ECU is under the steering col.


You must remove the trim panel to see it


Your "read memory" connectors (white in color)

are under the hood by the

drivers side hood hinge.

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