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turn the #@$^ thing off. I suppose if you own a new Subaru you are only to have money in your pockets, not such things as nuts and bolts and other small items. Thee small items end up touching the panic button and .. there goes the alarm.

The manual has no refrence on how to turn it off, the salesman know how to take my money but not much else, anyone know how to TURN IT OFF?

(yes, perhaps black electricians tape would work, but I would like the real fix)



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sometimes putting the key in the ignition and turning it to acc or on.on some just putting key in driversside door lock an turning it does the trick to.


on the 99 avenger i had,i accidently hit the panic instead of unlock button and i shut it off by pushing panic button again.


hope this helps


are you asking how to prevent it from happening again(black electrical tape part)? simple don't put keys in pocket,clip them to your belt loop like i do.

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thanks for the reply. I don't wear belts, use pockets, and yes, I want to stop the panic button on the fob from working forever.


Check your owner's manual. I think there is a procedure in there for disabling this feature. Or perhaps I'm confusing this with something else. . .

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there is a sequence in the manual on how to dissable the alarm on the car, not on how to turn off the panic button. The service dept. is out to lunch on this also. Is it possible that Subaru overlooked the possibility that some of us do not want a panic button?

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I had the same problem when i got my forester in Jan.

I called Subaru to tell what was happining they said this is the first time they ever heard of this problem. the buttons on the fob are to shallow.

i kept hitting the buttons when the keys where in my pocket.

i solved this by adding a lenth of chain between the keyring and the remote fob.

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you could try opening the key fob and see if you could someway remove that pesky panic button.


no button to hit the switch on the comp board inside fob,no panic alarm going off.:brow:


That only exposes the actual button (A micro-switch) underneath to whatever would have hit the plastic button top. OK, my best shot missed the mark, as I was thinking that if you disable the alarm system, you disable everything. I guess not. . .


Only thing left is the low-tech colution, of leaving the fob behind. . .

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