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The End of an era for the NY/NE area

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The OFFICIAL closing of the First Subaru Church of the Resurection.


Thanks again to everyone who ever stopped by.The friendships have been mostly all great.


Thanks also to the folks who helped with the move.


Hey guys,I'm going to have a tough time tomorrow,Monday.Please forgive me if I'm not quite the same over the next ??? couple of days or so.My friend and boss died last night.It's going to be a rough Monday at work.My friend was like a son to the company's owner.He was THE guy who really ran the show,so it's really going to be crazy the next few days.Thanks for your understanding.


Sorry for all the sadness here.It seems to be a year of closing chapters and writing new ones for me/us here.


We had some great times at the workshop.Lots of great memories.Thanks again for all the story swapping,company you kept,help on repairs,purchases of parts,comments on the amount of stuff that was there....:lol: ,etc....



Chapter closed.

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I for one am glad that to have made the Pilgrimage to the First Subaru Church of the Resurrection. I remember it getting a large hunk of floor space cleared for a new-to-it addition.


Paul, don't let things get you down too much over the coming days/weeks. Life does go on, just a little differently.


And, like many others, I will be looking forward to the Reformed Subaru Church.

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Your right Paul, this chapter has closed. But another is just starting. I had a friend die while diving, on my anniversery, May 6th(no, I wasnt with him - his wife was). I went to the funeral a week ago Sat and had to go alone, my wife is in a Nursing Home right now. So, your not alone Bro. It seems ike the older we get, the more we have to deal with(death, etc).

But we have to move on and make the best of what we have.

I hope to make it to the East Coast someday, and I want to see the "Reformed Subaru Church". Take care bud.

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Paulyburger...Its all going to work out. You were closing the Church temporarily to make things better for yourself and your family...the buying of a new houe with property instead of being in a high rise. More stuff can always be stored here in my basement. It is already starting to look like the mini- church down there:grin: .



I am sorry to hear about your loss...but it will all be fine...he is in a better place now.All things happen for a reason. We will have a drink in remembrence on Sat!

Take Care Paul...and remember those who care about you are thinking about you

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Thanks guys.I'm just about to head off to work.I don't usually do computer in the AM and the coffee is just setting in...



My friend Tom died while singing on stage with another band for just one song,to close out a set.There was a break for a guitar solo/lead and he dropped as he was taking a step back.He hit something of the drummer's with his head on the way down,but it was probably not what took him.He was probably gone before he hit the floor.


Tom was just one of those guy EVERYONE describes as a stand up guy.Coached kids in Pop Warner football for years.


His pride is knowing that Dan Orlovsky(sp?) is now with the Detroit Lions,and Tom coached him as a youth.Watch for Dan,(QB)he's not going to be starting just yet but he's got the talent to be a starter.Tom died knowing he helped Dan get to the big show.He also died doing what he loved best.


Saturday,we worked together and he said something like "Man,if I could just hit those notes like I used to and use all my range I know I still have in me....."

Well,my friend Glenn said Tom was hitting that song straight on and was sounding.....like an angel.

Yet another closed chapter this week.


We'd been getting along like brothers lately instead of co-workers.It just sucks right now.But,I've been through these things before,just going to suck for a while.


Thanks again everybody.

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My sympathies on the loss. Sounds like he went out doing what he loved, and it was quick... from where I'm sitting (all of 24 years of experience behind me, not countin' the one I'm working on), that sounds like the best we can hope for. Hang in there, and if you need anything, just holler.


I've got a feeling the bets on a "Reformed Subaru Church" happenin' are right, too :). It's something in your blood, that you're stuck with, I think... it bit me, and you put me to shame :drunk:.

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Sympathies from all of us at CCR. As I know all too well, though the shock of sudden death hurts us a lot, watching a good friend/family member through a long illness is worse for both. Remember him as he was, and honor him in your memories.



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Thanks again guys!


Took the kids out for the good ol' kids meals (not McCrap),Duchess,our local fresh food served quick joint,then we hit the beach for a long walk and shell collecting.Just what you need.Just me and the kids,since my wife works down the traffic corridor.:-\ Watched some planes take off before the clouds blew over.We had dark clouds over one shoulder and breaking cumlulous (sp?) clouds with shafts of sunlight on the other shoulder.Never got a drop.A nice time.


Don't worry about me.We got through today,the rest will be easier,excepting the wake and funeral.



Thomas W. Swanson Sr.NoticeGuestBookButton.gif SWANSON Thomas W. Swanson, Sr. age 45, of Shelton beloved husband and best friend of Kelly Morgan Swanson entered into eternal rest on Sunday May 22, 2005 at Griffin Hospital. Tom was born in Bridgeport, son of the late Robert and Dorothy Raymond Swanson. Tom was a manager for Connecticut Fencemen for more than 16 years. He was a Shelton Pop Warner Football coach for over 12 years, and served as a former vice president, and director of football. He also coached and was active in the American Little League, Biddy Basketball and Bob Cousy Basketball for many years. He was currently the lead singer of the Rock Band "Tymepeace". He is the devoted father of Thomas W. Swanson, Jr., Fred Samoskevich, Timothy Samoskevich, Nicole Swanson, Jj Samoskevich, and Danielle Swanson, brother of Robert Swanson and his wife Karen, Rick Swanson and his wife Madeline and Elaine Swanson Michols. He is the loving son-in-law of Nancy Morgan, brother-in-law of Kathy, and Mike Gorman, Randy and Holly Morgan, and John Michols. He also leaves his former wife Kim Kelley and a sister Charlene Jubenville and her husband Al, and also leaves several nieces and nephews. Tom will be missed by his good friends Glen and Anne Keane, Jim and Teresa Nowotny, Mitch Aiudi, Linda Brunswick, Jt and Christine Lisa, Chip and Debbie Lewis, Bob and Tammy Spidtos, John and Denis Scollin. Tom also leaves his 3 angels on earth Randy, Linda, and Corey Etters. Friends may greet the family on Wednesday from 2 to 7 p.m. in the Riverview Funeral Home, 390 River Road, Shelton. Friends are invited to go directly To the Nichols United Methodist Church 35 Shelton Road Trumbull on Thursday for a funeral service at 11:30 a.m. with the Rev. Joseph Piccirillo, pastor officiating. Interment will follow in Riverside Cemetery Shelton. Contributions in memory of Tom may be made to the Thomas W. Swanson Sr. Memorial Fund c/o Webster Bank Howe Avenue, Shelton, CT 06484 or through the funeral director.

Published in the Connecticut Post from 5/23/2005 - 5/24/2005




It was indeed a massive heart attack.He was gone in a flash.


Thanks again for all the support!!!

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Indeed a massive MI! My heavens, only 45!!! Paul, my heart goes out to the family and you. How horrible for them. Your friend didn't suffer though, so that's a good thing. So many people suffer till the end.


Speaking as a Medical Professional, we are seeing many mid 30s to mid 40s with heart issues, presenting to the ER with chest pain lately. Many of those get cathed and they find blockages. Some end up on the table for a bypass.

It's happening to younger and younger men! In discussion with cardiologists, they are looking at stress, diet. (hydrogenated oils/trans-fats/ smoking and elevated cholesterol.) Trans fats are VERY< VERY bad for the heart. AVOID!! Problem is, almost EVERYTHING has them! Look at the labels! The stress of American life now is far worse than in earlier generations. Find time to relax! Weight.... if you are over weight...lose it, and watch the blood pressure too!!


Remember, many people don't get the warning sign of "chest pain", Their first pain is the end! (Like Moosens freind), 45 is way too young to die! If you have ANY, ANY chest pain on excertion, or even at rest...SEE YOUR DOCTOR, or get to the ED. (Men love to deny this!!) ESP. if you have risk factors, age > 40, smoker, elevated cholesterol, elevated BP, bad diet history, family history of cardiac issues, or overweight.


Get a checkup, it may save your life!


Here's an interesting article. Very sound, evidence based study.


Check it out!



May 11, 2005 -- A man's risk of sudden death may show up in a simple exercise test, say French doctors.


Ten minutes or less of pedaling on a stationary bike was all it took, they report in The New England Journal of Medicine.


The danger signs were clear in hindsight. When the test was done, the men were apparently healthy, say Xavier Jouven, MD, and colleagues.


All the more reason not to take your heart for granted. Heart disease (which includes heart attacks) is a leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S.


French Findings


Jouven and colleagues followed more than 5,700 French men for 23 years. The exercise test was given at the study's start, when the men were 42 to 53 years old.


All of the men worked for the French government. Age, diabetes, smoking, cholesterol, and other risk factors were noted.


During the test, the men cycled for up to 10 minutes. Their heart rate was monitored before, during, and after exercise. If their heart rate got dangerously high, the test was stopped early.


Nearly a quarter of a century later, 81 men in the group had died suddenly.


Three findings stood out:


A heart rate of more than 75 beats per minute before exercise (resting heart rate)


An increase of less than 89 beats per minute during exercise


A decrease of less than 25 beats per minute after exercise


The normal range of resting heart rate can vary. The American Heart Association (AHA) says the normal range is 60-80 beats per minute.




Raising the Risk


Each of those heart-rate problems raised the men's risk of sudden death from cardiac arrest. Sudden death occurs when the heart abruptly loses its capacity to pump. The electrical impulses in the heart become rapid or irregular (arrhythmia).


An increased resting heart rate nearly quadrupled the men's risk.


Men with hearts that were sluggish during exercise were 6.2 times more likely to experience sudden death.


Those with hearts that had trouble slowing down after exercise had roughly double the risk of sudden death.


After adjusting for other risks, "these three factors remained strongly associated with risk of sudden death," writes Jouven, who works in the cardiology department of Paris' Hôpital Euopéen Georges Pompidou.


The three heart-rate problems were also linked to a "moderate but significant" risk of death from any cause. However, they weren't associated with nonsudden heart attack deaths. (Heart attacks can cause sudden death but don't always).


'Powerful Predictor' of Sudden Death


Heart rate during exercise and recovery is "a powerful predictor of the risk of sudden death" in seemingly healthy men, say researchers.


Such tests could help doctors identify and treat high-risk men, they note.


Smoking, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, and depression (especially in heart disease patients) have also been shown to be heart hazards.


Many of those risk factors can be improved. For instance, exercise, stress control, and a healthy diet can help; so can medications, when needed. Doctors can assess your risk and outline your options. Seek immediate help if you sense any heart problems.






What to Do


The American Heart Association statement on preventing heart attacks and deaths from coronary disease recommends 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity three to four times a week in addition to lifestyle changes.


Knowing how to take your heart rate (pulse) at resttake your heart rate (pulse) at rest can help.


Calculating your peak (or maximum) heart rate can be done by using the following formula:


220 - Your Age = Predicted Maximum Heart Rate


Example: a 40-year-old's predicted maximum heart rate is 180.


Talk to your doc if these numbers seem




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Hi Paul --


Sorry to see the hole in the world of sube spares !! And even more sorry to hear of your loss of a friend and boss and co-worker :(


If you and the family need anything -- just call -- or even come up for a battery recharge / tranquility overhaul !! Door and back yard with the ocean view are always open to you .



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Thanks guys!


Milt,we'd love to....hopefully later in the season.May is shot,and we put away our winter gear already...:banghead::) What's up with this weather?Personally,I like it like this.But seeing 43 degrees on the big bank clock/temp....yikes,it was 5 in the evening.I heard 48 on the news,so maybe the clock was off,still not summer weather yet,and none in sight.


As for Todd's post....highlight,right click,dump in new Word doc.,PRINT.

Words to keep reading every so often.Thanks Todd!


Dave,make it up by bringing some good beer.:lol: ....you've done MORE than your share for all the times you drove up.



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So sorry for the loss of your friend. Its already been said, but it is quite true. Although he went at an early age, he did go out doing what he loved. We should all be so lucky.

And as for the "end" of the Subaru Church, I'm gonna paraphrase something I heard once; "a church is not the sturcutre which houses its people, it is its people and the spirit that brings them together."

Take care brutha. Try not to get bogged down in the present; the future is going to be better.

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Better to go quickly than linger .Still 45 is way way too young.You have our sympathies.

Always remember ,should you and the family wish to visit the Windy City,we've got spare bedrooms and you'r very welcome.

Jude And Helen.


Thanks Jude!

One of these days I'd like to chat up about Garda and your trip through northern Italy,etc.


Thanks again Andrew.


well,the wake was yesterday.For some weird reason I didn't even cry or get too upset.I guess we've all had to deal with this more directly since we at work had so much to do in his absence,etc.

Still,very hard to see such a young and otherwise healthy guy lying there.I always expect people to be pounding the floor sobbing at these things but the atmosphere was quite the oposite.His wife was OK,the kids too.


Thanks for all of your support and understanding.I did get a package out to one guy in Canada but the rest of you will have to wait a little,sorry.Otherwise,I'll be back on track soon.Funeral today.



Now,in regards to the FSCR....I'm not turning my house into what was the FSCR.Like Andrew said,it's all about the people,and the getting together,etc.


I will not have a stock like I once did again.And I won't be having people drive over for repairs.Life is onto a new plateau.Kids first,Subarus well down the line.Hence my wanting to get a solid Impreza and just keep the vintage toys for fun.


There's plenty of really great places to meet up for a group meet.


Also,I really don't want you all to think I'm shutting the door on any of you.It's just that over the years I can think of a few people I helped who I just simply won't have over my house.It's not going to be like it was where I'd just tell people to show up off of this board without ever meeting or knowing them beforehand.


Those of you who are local and current are all considered "IN" and welcome at my house as needed,just be sure to contact me,not just show up,of course.


I just don't want my house to be a haven for old Subarus,that aren't my own.And I just don't want to deal with people as much.


Like I've been saying,closing some chapters,writing new ones.


My son and daughter are great kids deserving of a father with minimal distractions.My focus is on them,and keeping a supportive household for them and my wife,of course.


We had what we had,and it was fun.Now it'll be a different form of fun.



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