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Ignition coils for the RX.

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Im kinda hesitant on buying an Acell now after all the horror stories, and I've seen a few pictures of MSD under a couple hoods. Can anyone help me with a list of compatible coils for the EA82T?


Im also going to be getting new wires and disty parts. Pretty much a complete tune-up before I get my car smogged.



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I've been running an Accel Super Coil (the big square block kind, without any problems...)


I put a MSD Blaster Coil in the 87 wagon with ea81 that I just sold. it worked pretty good, though I vaguely recall that it may have the same issues as the accel superstock replacement coil...


additionally, you might also want to look into the MSD6A type of ignition (double sparking), but not sure if that would work/mess with the ECU on the turbo.....

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  TheSubaruJunkie said:
Im kinda hesitant on buying an Acell now after all the horror stories, and I've seen a few pictures of MSD under a couple hoods. Can anyone help me with a list of compatible coils for the EA82T?


Im also going to be getting new wires and disty parts. Pretty much a complete tune-up before I get my car smogged.




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Thanks Craven, i knew i read that here on the USMB. ive read it before and that is why Im looking for an alternative to Accel.


Dont think I want anything advanced as Double Sparking. it still has to be CA aproved :)


Anyone else have any other recommendations? I was hoping to go buy everything today and do the tuneup today.



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If you want to upgrade your ignition with one of those mentioned above, some are C A R B "approved"..they'll come with a sticker for your car saying so. Shoot for a specialized speed shop, they'll have a much better selection than Kragens.


Just my 2 bucks

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Dave. I think i heard about the C.A.R.B. when i was at the smog shop today. The dude kept pointing to my Intercooler saying "saab" and "no carb sticker".


I remember when I put my Accel in the brat it had a white decal that you had to put under the hood for CA cars.


I can print a sticker :)



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