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99 Legacy Clutch swap questions

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A buddy of my called me up today asking me if I'd do a clutch job on his wife's 99 Legacy. I have never done any motor work on the interference ej22.


I think his is a SUS legacy too. What exactly does that mean?


I've done head swaps on Gen 1 Ej22 motors and they seem pretty simple. Should I expect any problems or hang ups on doin the newer legacy clutch?


Do they use a hydraulic clutch or cable pulled clutch?


How much time is gonna be involved for someone who knows subarus's fairly well? Exhaust bolts, engine mount, bellhousing bolts, pull raid,un hook heater core lines jack up tranny, side motor forward?


I leave this weekend for the summer, could use the money before I go. If I can do the job in a half a day or so, should be good to go on it.


thanks in advance

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I think SUS means Sport Utility Sedan. Usually that's the Outback version, 2.5 liter with hydraulic clutch. My '99 has the 2.2l and cable clutch. It came with a new clutch this winter, hopefully I'll remain blissfully ignorant of tranny work.

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Actually, a lot of Sube mechs prefer to drop the transmission instead of hoisting the engine. If you have good luck at the car you can decide for yourself.


Engine means a lot different hoses and wires and things need careful marking so that you can get it back together.


Tranny means that the axles have to come out. However, this work is far more simple. Even if there is "more" to do.



Either way the exhaust must be removed at the heads. Make sure you soak the bolts in WD-40 or similar penetrating oil a long time before going to work. Overnight if possible.

The main concern is a bolt that either turns out of the head or heaven-forbid breaks in the head.

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