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98 Outback 2.5 to 2.2 swap Info


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Just finished putting a 95 Impreza 2.2 into a 98 Outback. Both were autos. All worked fine, but the flex plates are different size, by about 1/2" dia. (don't ask me how I fournd this out). You will need to keep flex plate from your Outback and bolt it up to the impreza engine.


The Air conditioning mount bracket has smaller mount bolts as well. Keep all the brackets from your Outback.

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i take it the 2.5 had h/g probs?


have you taken it out for a run yet to test it out?


if you did,was there a diff in how much power it has?



i've always heard of people doing swaps to put bigger engines in,but never the other way around.

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Yep, HG were gone. This is the second 2.5 > 2.2 swap I've done. The power loss is very little and you get an engine that will go 300K+ that will not trash itself if the Tbelt goes.

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I just had the same swap (95 Legacy 2.2 into a 98 Outback 2.5) done but found that the 2.2 engine has no EGR valve. Anyone have any suggestions as to what to do? The Check Engine code is that the EGR is malfunctioning. Do I need a different intake manifold so that I can install an EGR or do I need an ECU from a 95 2.2? Any help would be appreciated. Can't pass my states emissions when the CE light comes on. By the way, the car is running just fine.

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