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Before you start swapping HLAs you may want to check the rocker assemblies for clogged oil passages. The guys at my old shop have found that to be a common cause of HLA noise, due to a like of oil pressure to the HLAs.

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I removed the rocker covers and rolled the engine over until all the valves were closed on one side. Then I checked the rockers to see which ones would move, if they move a lot, they are either collasped or have air in them. As it turns out, they were all fine on the passenger side, the offending HLA's were all on the drivers side. After finding the loose ones, I removed the rocker assembly. There was one that was completely collasped and would not rebound, that's the one I replaced. There was also three that had air in them, You can tell when there is air because you can compress them by hand. I submerged them in oil, depressed the check ball with a 2mm rod and pumped them until no more bubbles came out at 1 second intervals (FSM). After doing that if they are not defective, you should not be able to depress them by hand. Let me know if you need further info.

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Hey Craig

My lifter nosie was gone for 50/100 miles and now it's coming back intermittedly, not as bad as before but annoying none the less. Is there a procedure for cleaning the oil passage? If it's still making noise at the end of the week I'm going to pull it apart again.


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I recently had to clean the oil passages in my engine, one was clogged with a piece of gasket material. The end of the rocker assembly has a 10 mm bolt that holds it to the shaft. If you remove the bolt, and slide the end piece off, you will be able to disassemble the rocker arm and see the oil passages very clearly.


Once you get it apart you will see what I mean. On the driver's side rocker arm, the oil flows into the rocker arm through a hole in the front end of the arm where it bolts into the head. It flows through the center of the shaft, which is hollow, and moves through ports in the wall of the shaft to each individual rocker. The excess oil exits via a spring-loaded check valve at the opposite end of the shaft and drains back into the engine.


In my case, the blockage was located right where the oil flows into the shaft. It was only a partial blockage, which is why the upper HLA's were all lacking oil, but the lower ones were full.



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Is there a procedure for cleaning the oil passage?


What is the oil change history?


As expensive as this stuff is, it's probably the easiest way. Take a look at some of the engine pics, pretty remarkable. I have cleaned a bunch of my own stuff with it. As meticulous as I am with the Outback and synthetics, I found carbon granules (presumably from the ring pack) in the oil filter after I used it. I have seen amazing results on friend's neglected engines. Don't use quick flushes!!! They may break deposits loose rather than dissolve them slowly. The auto-rx process takes between 3500 and 7000 miles, it's very gentle.


You might start by taking oil pressure readings with a mechanical guage if you have one to rule that out. If it's low the longer journey to the driver's side may be enough to cause that side to tick.

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Hey Craig

My lifter nosie was gone for 50/100 miles and now it's coming back intermittedly, not as bad as before but annoying none the less. Is there a procedure for cleaning the oil passage? If it's still making noise at the end of the week I'm going to pull it apart again.



Let me call my bud who's a subaru tech tonight and get back to you.

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The car has a full service history including regular oil changes and all service by Auburn Subaru. The engine looks absolutely brand new inside. I don't think it's a gummed up issue, I think something broke loose and clogged a passage. I'm going to check that out and see if it helps, I won't be able to do it till this weekend so I'm curious to see what the tech says. I will try the flush as a backup and try a pressure guage.

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Okay I finally got a hold of him, basically what you need to do is take out the rocker assembly and flush out every nook, cranny and oil passage with solvent. Since the replacement HLAs were quiet to begin with and then began to make noise, it dose sound like there is a problem of getting oil to the HLAs.

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XS, I had this same problem and fixed it just 1 month ago. check out this thread:




The problem and its fix are still fresh in my memory.


If you have any detailed questions, let me know. I took the side of the engine apart twice, so I gained some valuable experience. Probably the same as you are doing right now.


It is a good idea to replace the valve cover gasket when you are done. I tried to re-use my old one, but there was a small leak. The part is cheap.




This is a link to a photo showing the bolt you have to remove to slide the end off the shaft and get to the oil passages. Of course, you need to remove the assembly from the engine first.



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Why has nobody commented on the sweet photo of my engine?



I was very proud of that...


Boo Hoo...:-\


Sexiest rocker assembly I have ever seen. Good thing this was not a video, it would certainly have been illegal. :grin:

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