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my 79 and all its greatness!!! PICS! 56k BEWARE!!!

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So ya... today my 79 brat came back from the shop... new inner tie rods installed... and now my brat is LEGAL!!! YUP... i can get insurance on it now... w00t!!! only took me a year and a half!!!


so ya... i'm gonna show some pics in cronological order from how i got it and how it is now... here we go!


this pic is from when i just got it home from Seattle and after taking off the canopy and washing it a little...




notice the ugly hub caps and broken fog lights...

Well there was lots of stuff i did to the car in between now and when i got it and there is a list here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36990

But here are the new rims i got on the car about a month ago... centercaps yet to come(still polishing!)



and today i just got it back from VI(vihicle inspection) and i got some pics of my new stuff... mainly the inner tie rods...



Shinny ain't em??? was it worth 750 you think??? hehe

and see this means my car is legal! i have to leave it on for 1 year... but meh...



And now that my car is legal my first act is to put ilegal lights on it! yay!



here are shots inside the car with the stock lights on(including highbeams) then with the new lights...



Okay i'll be lucky to see a airplane on the street with these lights...

NOW for the big guns!




i'd say thats pretty good for 60 bucks and a couple hours! and you can see my new windshield wipers! pretty!

and now just an overall shot of the car now...



So what you think?

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Bloody nice.

So ya... today my 79 brat came back from the shop... new inner tie rods installed... and now my brat is LEGAL!!! YUP... i can get insurance on it now... w00t!!! only took me a year and a half!!!


so ya... i'm gonna show some pics in cronological order from how i got it and how it is now... here we go!


this pic is from when i just got it home from Seattle and after taking off the canopy and washing it a little...




notice the ugly hub caps and broken fog lights...


Well there was lots of stuff i did to the car in between now and when i got it and there is a list here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36990


But here are the new rims i got on the car about a month ago... centercaps yet to come(still polishing!)




and today i just got it back from VI(vihicle inspection) and i got some pics of my new stuff... mainly the inner tie rods...




Shinny ain't em??? was it worth 750 you think??? hehe


and see this means my car is legal! i have to leave it on for 1 year... but meh...



And now that my car is legal my first act is to put ilegal lights on it! yay!




here are shots inside the car with the stock lights on(including highbeams) then with the new lights...




Okay i'll be lucky to see a airplane on the street with these lights...


NOW for the big guns!





i'd say thats pretty good for 60 bucks and a couple hours! and you can see my new windshield wipers! pretty!


and now just an overall shot of the car now...




So what you think?

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carfreak85Looks good. Your gonna have some stiff competition from Wagonpowaa at WCSS7 though! :brow:


whoa his brat is NICE... its going to be mighty stiff indeed... i like his role bar and brushguard... i've been trying to get those for a while...

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YellowSubThis is a bit off topic, but how did you put your pictures in the message body? I have been trying to do that, but can't figure it out.


i just figured it out too... here is how i do it... go to your pictures page and click on the picture to make it as big as possible... then i right-click and go to properties then i copy the exact URL... then i click on the little picture icon (the one beside the # icon) in the toolbar above the letterbox(the thing you type in) then i paste the URL into that window then click OK or whatever... thats it...


felipe01foresterVery nice, Zef. I'd kill for a Brat like yours. Well, not really... :-p


AHHHH:eek: ... stay away...:rolleyes:


75subiei missed something


whats the 56k warning again?

you know... there are lots of pics... that many pics may take a while on a 56k??? i think...


subie94it's,it's beautiful man.


what color paint is that? looks like a pearl like

what you do with the other fog light that wasn't broken?


i can't remember what the name of the paint is... John(mudrat79) calls it rat piss yellow... its a stock colour... just a newer coat...


as for the fog lights... both are broken... the lens covers are gone and the bulbs are broken... they wouldn't be hard to repair... my buddies dad runs a plastic buisness... i could score some scraps and make covers then replace the bulbs...i got some old jetta fog lamps too... they are all cheapies... not really worth saving... but all 4 of those lights i got on for around 40-50 bucks...

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