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strut bearing

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Anybody got any Idea and detail about the strut bearing? just had a guy take mine apart and he says there was just two bushings in there cleaned 'em and it is worse than before. is the a bearing in the mount itself? cause I have a breakdown in Chilton and see no bearing either.

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Ok, listen up you are not going to believe this, I've had choppy steering for a while and when turning sharp right backing into park. I lifted the front off the ground a while back and all kinda noise moving the wheels back and forth, I posted a thread on that awhile back. I have a '85 3" lifted Brat. Well it turns out the washer bottle bolt coming through the fender well was interfering with the top spring pad of the strut, so if you have a lifted outfit you best check it. What a difference it makes in ride and handling. I think I wasted a little clutch over the thing too. I ground it down for clearance but ya might be able to washer it from the engine compartment, out.

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