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Subaru powered lambo, a lambaroo? -actual build NOW, with pics....


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IIRC this project was; like many other 'projects' in here had a significantly discounted side to it. Thus the $6K thought probably *isn't* a true reference point.


Now, what is its current status? Depending on the family outcome could easily mean that its a slow progress like other "MadScientisT projects" here and elsewhere.



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Uber... did you even read this post?


I seriously doubt he's gonna do a feiro project. Dude is gonna do a 600hp EJ motor and most likely a full custom frame.


Would like to know where he's at on this project. We havent seen him on the board in quite some time.



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sorry, but cheers to you junkie,me= :horse:



  TheSubaruJunkie said:
Uber... did you even read this post?


I seriously doubt he's gonna do a feiro project. Dude is gonna do a 600hp EJ motor and most likely a full custom frame.


Would like to know where he's at on this project. We havent seen him on the board in quite some time.



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So this is where my federal tax money goes. I like it much better than a $500 hammer or a $300 toilet seat.;) Seriously though, that thing is sweet and only going to get better. An idea for AWD... I did see a mid-engine buggy once (belonged to a guy who owned a machine shop) that utilized a 90 deg 1:1 red. box on the right axleshaft output. The shortened the shaft and had the box mounted directly to the trans. It had a 4" ( I think) drop to it so the driveline to the front slipped right under the engine. A 'one of' that he built himself. Talk about wicked roosters in the sand:headbang:

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