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Started tearing down the motor today

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Are you gonna tear it down completely Josh, or just to the short block?


When Opie pulled his 120k EJ22T out of a JY, he ripped it completely apart, and when he took the block halves to the dealer he works at to check over it, they said he shouldn't have even bothered tearing it down :)


And what are ya gonna do with it when it's in the car? ;)

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Added pics from taking the heads off.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. It's filthy and needs to be cleaned. I'm not sure if putting it in the parts washer is a good thing to do or not. I'd like to replace the piston rings...even if I don't tear the block halves apart. I need to figure out what I'm going to do.....make some calls, check costs and such.



I wash my hands and take a bunch of pictures ;)

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what i would do personaly would be to to strip it completly replace all bearings plus the rings and any gasket or seal you can find give it the wash of its life and reassemble using all new gaskest, i would probably also get the bores honed. with the head i would get the valves reseated plus replace the stem seals, but thats just me and what i would recomend so yeah. Makes me kind of wish i had an engine of my own to strip and rebuild.



PS thats a lot of realy great pics

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I just don't know if it's worth tearing it completely apart. I know other people that have, and everything is fine. So I'm leaning towards just pulling the pistons, and giving it a good cleaning.



It's got 126k miles on it.

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