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ohhh the pain!

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Ahhh what a knightmare i had today. Went 4x4 ing and got a flat ten miles in the woods.Two of my lugs decided they where going to strip inside the drum on the rear of my 86 wagon. Had to chisel the two bad ones ot with a cold chisel and hammer.icon8.gif TOOk me hours to get them to the poit of getting wheel off . THen when i did get it off one stud fell in the drum AAAARRRRGGGG! had to take thw drum of. And of course the drum was stuck wouldn't come off no matter how much i beat it with a hammer {Yes i had the axel nut off}. Had to walk 12 miles to autoparts store and thank The great sube spirit the had pully puller that was big enough to pull drum icon10.gif so walked all the way back to car 2 hours later had drum of new studs and nuts installed and spare on. Well at least i didnt have to leave her there over night! icon9.gif Now its 7:15 and im going to eat some thing and probaly hit the sack. Moral of the story is ONLY IN A SUBE!!!!!!!!!!!! icon12.gif

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its like the time my wheel fell off an punctured from the wheel well rust. no jack and no spare, 45 miles fom home.


so i waved a guy down and borrowed his jack. put on the flat tire. drove home


needless to say i has an 11 inch rim by the time i got there, the tire disintegrated 10 miles out


the guys on the board threwa fit when they read that one:grin:

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