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Shifter in brat is sloppy, like joe

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The shifter has tons of play in it. It is a 4spd tranny.


I noticed this problem on the previous tranny aswell, so its a linkage issue.


The main bracket at the end of the shift rod has been slit, and has had a bolt run through it. So it is tightly clamped.


I believe the problem is where the shifter comes down and goes into the divot in the tranny. Is there supposed to be something there to keep that end of the shifter from moving about?


How should I go about fixing it? Is this what McBrat suggests usuing Quiksteel on?

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when did you get a brat, anyway? i searched but found no post. shame on you.


i would go to the dealer and look at the parts book and replace all the rubber and plastic parts in the shifter assembly. that's what I did for my wagon. you can then choose the part numbers yourself and get a photocopy of the diagram for your assembling pleasure.


i need to do this to my brat as well. I almost missed a shift on the freeway, 60mph-3rd-to-2nd would have been BAD.

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  • 1 year later...

Bump from the dead!


The shifter in my brat is insanely sloppy. its so bad you cant tell if your in N or in gear! i have heard that the 4spd linkage is notorious for this. i was wondering if it is possible to swap in a different subaru linkage, which is newer/easier to find parts for.


I am not sure what the 4spd linkage looks like but has anyone tried using a EJ linkage (5spd or 6spd)? i gotta fix this... this is my first manual car and i have a horrid feeling i will blow it up because of this lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Subarutex said:
How should I go about fixing it? Is this what McBrat suggests usuing Quiksteel on?


I had this issue about 2 yrs ago on my 85 DR 4spd BRAT, got a generic pack of nylon windshield wiper bushings from NAPA, had 8 or 10 total bushings in it and voila... 2 of them fit perfect, I removed all the old material from the metal bushing on the trans, inserted one of the bushings after slight cutting of the 2 tabs on either side (was solid white) and pushed it all the way down into the recess on the trans.


Then I drilled a hole (1/8 inch i believe, a little smaller than the end of the shift rod) in the second solid white bushing, removd all old material from the end of the shifter rod and forced the drilled out bushing over the rod end so the bushing was centered on the hourglass shapped portion of the shiftrod. then after cutting the same 2 tabs (or are they ears..oh well) I forced teh second bushing into the same recess and have had a firm shifter ever since...:banana: Oh yeah I did the slot-drill-bolt deal at the same time...


85 Brat............FREE

New bushings.... $5

New Bolt.......... $2

New Clutch.......$160


85000 milles in 2 years.... BUNCH of gas


LOOKS from SUV drivers spinning out in snow while I tool by in my POS subaru..............PRICELESS

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With the slot collar fix. I was getting some play from the bolt that secures it to the shifter rod.


I took a 8mm bolt and some rubber hose. Trimmed it down and tapped it into the collar and it works really well.



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I went to the dealer and got new bushings for where the shift lever connects to the shift linkage and also the little divot bushing.


I also got the 1/4" bolt fix for the linkage.


well it just figures that i didnt know there was a roll pin holding the linkage together, so after drilling that out (stupid roll pin) i used the 1/4" blt and the pressure fittings. i installed all the bushings. i cannot for the life of me get that little divot buching to stay on the shifter. i may have to resort to putting a bushing on the hourglass part.


after all this, i can feel the shift point better. but when it is in gear you can tell. the shifter flops all over, and when shifting i find i am punching the radio for 1st and 3rd and hitting the 4wd lever when shifting 2nd, 4th and hitting the passenger when i shift R.


i belice the issue lies where the linkage enters the tranny. i think this is what someone menioned about. i will need to look further at this connection and see what there for bushings.

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