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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

ATTN PKdavis -- Do you want my old steering linkage?


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Did you email him? He's usually pretty darn good about answering email.

We aren't "cracking down" on ATTN posts but we are urging people to use alternatives. The board provides Private messaging and PK's site has his email address.

Not trying to pick on you just using this as an example.


His site mentions a core charge on the steering linkages so I would assume he wants it back unless he hasn't charged you a core. Maybe you bought the kit before the core charge was in place.



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Hey guys I was in a crud of a mood when I posted this.


My only point is that it irks me when people just post instead of using other methods.


Here's my tip of the day. When the admin ticks you off, just say this to him in an email......




if you don't know what that is take your right hand, palm facing you, and extend the finger that is the longest only. Then look at your hand and look at the letters and comma. Funny eh?!



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