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My legacy wouldn't start yesterday, so I had it jump started. It also happened a couple of weeks ago, but my wife had the battery on to listen to the radio while the lights were on. I'm going to get one of those jump start units and was wondering if on was better than another. Please let me know if you have or can recommend one.




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If your batt has been discharged a couple of time it's been damaged as of now and maybe will not be up to par when it gets cold.

Why not buy a new battery instead? It's about the same price. You could keep the old one in a warm place and charged with a trickle charger (cheap). Could be of some use in a pinch.

My two cents.

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I am also looking to get one, Harbor Freight has the 400 - 900 amp on sale in the retail stores for 39.00 dollars until 7-11-05. They are very handy for jumping not only cars but the riding lawnmower that wont start at the next mowing season. Wal Mart also have them back by the batterys. I dont know which one is the best but I plan on trying the 39.00 dollar one from Harbor Freight.

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