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where too get gen 1 stuff?

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ive looked on ebay for a week and cant find any gen 1 stuff for my brat. the local pick-a-part junk yard only holds mid 80s cars. my front cv joint assembly bit the dust and i have no idea where to look to replace it. where do you guys go? i dont want to spend a fortune on somthing new if i dont have too. thanks in advace for any ideas

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Well,according to some of your neighbors there's still plenty of the 70's Subarus around your neck of the woods.



There's also reportings of a large dinosaur like creature in Loch Ness.:lol:


Bottom line is that parts are getting thin.Help thy neighbor and thy neighbor should make good for you sometimes too.


I have parts but they're all locked up in storage.Someone else might be able to help you.


Please keep in mind that when you score and there's plenty of spillings,let the rest of the gang know about it,please.


I might have a '78 or '79 wagon soon for parts.I'll let everybody know what's available and it'll be cheap.


Check out our Historic Forum.You're one of us.;)


Good luck

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