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Help!!! Getting Angry

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Just out of the Corp.... a friend offered me a XT Turbo with a "Blown Head Gasket..." Well replaced the gasket and in the process screwed up the timing.... Need help..... Maybe need new head and Camshaft... (Passenger Side) I think head or (freeze plug bad) so may as well get er done right... trying to make a move from old K-Cars... to good old ru's


Needed parts..

Head (passenger Side)

Camshaft ""

lights Switch

trunk lid.

passenger side tail light and blinker...

Maybe turbo...


IN the Garage...


88 Ply Reliant (parted.. Just need to get rid of the shell)

88 Ply Caravelle (parts)

89 Ply Reliant *susie*

65 Ford f100 *ol Rusty*

86 Subaru XT Turbo *baby grrrrllll*


Looking for any ru in seattle for little or nothing. I fell in love the minute I saw it... obsessed from the nanosecond I sat in the drivers seat.


Semper Fidelis

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Do you think the head/camshaft is messed up because you messed up on doing the timing belts? If so, there's a chance they're fine.


These motors are non-interferance so you just need to do the belts again. There is a guide in the USRM above. Thing to make sure to do is turn the engine over once after getting the driver side belt on, so the dots on the cams are 180* from each other.


Thank you for your service as well.

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My Brother-In-Law recently came back from Camp Ananconda... relatively well and unharmed. Whether or not I agree with NCA on policy, I appreciate those who are willing to put themselves in harm's way for all of us. Thank you.


As hooziewhatsit said, it is unlikely that you damaged anything in the head doing the work. The head MIGHT be cracked (there is a common problem with turbo heads with a crack visible in the exhaust port), but nothing hits anything if you get the timing-belt wrong or if it breaks. Very forgiving in that way.


Also as "h" said, the most likely (and also very common) problem is that the passenger side timing belt is 180 crankshaft degrees out of phase. Maybe a pain to get to the point of realigning the belt, but simple to do and almost certain to work.


And as edrach said, there are a lot of us in the region. :)

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