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Looking for help with timing belt. Had legacy to garage and they could'nt get it to run motor is running very rich they put on new timing belt and it's not right. do you line up off the marks on pulley or the arrows on pulley ?? and the crank is it the arrow or the mark. Trying to get the car running for my kid in college. Thanks

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Look at the back of the crank gear. You will see 4 teeth sticking up from the back of the flange. The one with the tick mark gets lined up with the tick mark on the block. DO NOT USE THE ARROW on the Front of the crank pulley! This is a common mistake. Make sure you jack the car up as high as you can when you fill the cooling system. Open the bleed plug and fill it slowly. When full flex the upper radiator hose to force the air out. These engine trap air very easy and if you get an airlock you may overheat.


Torque the crank bolt to 125 Ftlbs. Most of the manuals tell you 90 which is too low.

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  • 3 months later...

For the 2.2 engines (as I just did mine the other day)



The crankshaft pulley should be oriented so the "tang" with the indention is at the 12 o'clock position in line with the mark on case. This will put the "arrow" pointing to the 3 o'clock position. As for the cams, the mark on the cams align with the notch in the rear timing belt covers for both of the cams at the 12 o'clock position. If you are using an OEM Subaru timing belt it should be marked with a line, then to the right of that 44 teeth on the belt a dotted line, then 40.5 teeth to the right of that another line. It should go on with you being able to read the writing on the belt looking at the front of the engine. The far left line goes on the left cam at the spot where the mark is. The dotted line goes on the crank at the mark (indention) on the tab at the 12 o'clock position. The other line fits the mark on the right hand cam. It is easiest to remove the lower left idler pulley to initially put the belt on and make sure it is in the correct position. Then lift up on the belt and re-install that idler bearing assembly. I'm assuming you know how to deal with the tensioner.

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It's Legacy777.....not legend


My server's motherboard took a dump, and won't have it back up probably until next week. If you can wait that long, I can have things back up.


thanks for your reply, Legacy777 and sorry about the name, yeah i can wait no problem, this timing belt job will probably take me couple of weeks to do on the weekends, hope i don't run into any unexpected problems

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