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xt got rocked by a toyota

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so i was going to a girls house that invited me over for dinner. i was going through a parkinglot and a toyota paseo had its nose poking out. so i stopped to let her out. the female driver was watching for the traffic to her right but didn't look to her left. she pulled out and got the front passenger fender of my car. damage didn't look too bad so i just let it go. well i was going down the road a little bit later and i feel a weird vibration coming from my front end along with squeeling noise coming from my rear. :banghead::eek: so i hunt the girl down and we exchange info. what do you guys think will happen, she claimed fault.

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well just to update you on the situation. the suspect called her insurance company and i filled out my police report. i got a call from her insurance telling me the girls father may pay it out of pocket. from the quotes i have cv joint, suspension and body damage. total estimate comes to around 1000 bucks, so should i just have the man pay for it or get the ajuster out here and let him see it for himself?

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  • 2 weeks later...

:banghead::eek::mad::dead: yeah my xt was in an accident on the 10th, i had all the alignment checked and they can't adjust the camber toe or castor. and my tranny is leaking and i also have antifreeze from what seems the head.i have no tools or time to fix it being i am in school, so they are coming on monday to total it. ( please insert taps and a 7 gun firing line)

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