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Ran the test on the crank & cam sensors. Cam reads about 1.47 alternating volts at cranking. But Crank sensor reads only .02 alternating Volts at cranking. This is way below what the book specs are. Called the dealer and almost fell out of my chair. $350 for the crank sensor!!!! I could buy a whole engine for that price! May have to look for a junk yard crank sensor...but it is a part that takes a lot of labor to R & R so...what do you guys think? Thanks.

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Will look into Junk yard idea first, need it right away. Simbey...will let you know.

So do the cam and crank sensors bolt up the same way, same mounting system? Paid only $25 for a Pontiac cam sensor yesterday. New. That's more my style.

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Midwst's sensors are probably pre-1995 style, with wiring pigtails. Those for some reason cost 10 times as much as the newer type. I wonder if you can just buy a new-style sensor and wire it in.

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TOOLS NEEDED?? I'm on my way to the junk yard tomorrow. What tools do I need to get this thing out? I will bring my 3/8 ratchet, assorted extensions, 10mm socket, pocket screwdriver, prybar...plan to break timing cover... knife to cut belts. What else? Have never done this job before and don't want to be stuck out there without the right tools. Thanks.

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It says in the Haynes manual that I have to remove the timing belt to get to the crank sensor on a 91. Is that true? Thanks.


Also, I do not have a check engine light. I think the sensor is bad because it only tests at .02 alt volts. The Haynes manual says around .10 alt volts. I assume this means its bad, but hasn't failed enough to set a code.

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It says in the Haynes manual that I have to remove the timing belt to get to the crank sensor on a 91. Is that true? Thanks.


Also, I do not have a check engine light. I think the sensor is bad because it only tests at .02 alt volts. The Haynes manual says around .10 alt volts. I assume this means its bad, but hasn't failed enough to set a code.


On my car's 2.2L(1996) the cam and crank sensors are around 25$ each and 17$ at 1stSubaruparts. From 1990 to 1994, the crank sensor is 327$ list and 235$ at 1stSubaruparts. So they MUST be very different beasts.

Does your car have electronic ignition or do you have a disty? Someone here recently had the opinion that the big difference in price was due to the fact that pre 95 2.2 Ls had the crank sensor as part of the distributor.

On my car the crank and cam sensors are easily accessible from the front of the engine and you need only to disconnect and rmove one bolt to remove.

They both are made of a small metallic cylinder (containing the pick up coil) 3/4 inch across and 1 inch long. There is a plastic connector at a right angle to this cylinder. The holding bolt bracket is also at right ange but 90° from the connector. One is slightly bigger than the other (i have the old ones in front of me) but i dont remember which is which. They are not identical.

If you want to get a used one, it must come from a 90-94 2.2L engine.

Good luck!

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On my car's 2.2L(1996) the cam and crank sensors are around 25$ each and 17$ at 1stSubaruparts. From 1990 to 1994, the crank sensor is 327$ list and 235$ at 1stSubaruparts. So they MUST be very different beasts.

Does your car have electronic ignition or do you have a disty? Someone here recently had the opinion that the big difference in price was due to the fact that pre 95 2.2 Ls had the crank sensor as part of the distributor...

AFAIK, all of the EJ22s use distributorless ignition. My 90 for sure has no distributor, and has the crank-angle sensor mounted above the crank-snout.

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Thanks for the info. Frag, my sensor looks just like yours. Was easy to remove. It did involve a 30 min drive to a near by town to get a used one. Hope it works!


Then it IS a mystery why the 90-94 sensor costs 13 times more thant the 95 on. I hope someone will be able to shed some light into this.

Last note Midwst : if your sensor is really the some one as the 95 on sensors, remenber you can have a new one at 1stSubaruparts for 17$ USD.

Good luck

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I think the difference is the pigtail wiring harness. Mine is a 3 wire system. i know some use 2 wires. I don't know what is in the 1995 and newer. Junk yard one may or may not be okay. that's the problem with used parts.

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On the 90-94 sensor, there are three wires, two to the sensor and the third wire is for interference shielding purposes. I am not sure about the 95 and on sensors and why they are cheaper... it must be the wires. Both sensors are simple inductive types...nothing fancy.... old technology.

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They probably just did away with the shield connection to the sensor. The sensor harness is still shielded. For $17, might be worth trying to wire in a '95+ sensor, as long as the coil resistance is the same.

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