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Starter problems, & Smoke! Help???

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I have a 1992 loyale 100,000miles that won't start sometimes. When I first bought you would turn the key and it just would click like the battery was dead. So I put a new battery in it. Still did it. So I put a starter in it from a junkyard. Worked fine. Then the volts gauge was acting funny. So I put an altenator from advance auto in it and worked fine for a while. Now it is doing it again. If you keep jiggling the key it will click and eventally catch and start. But the volts gauge will be low. If you rev it up and couple times the gauge will go up to the normal position. Last night got in it and it clicked again so I jiggled the key and saw a couple puffs of smoke come out from under the steering wheel. Do I have a short or something else. Anyone ever had this problem. Never had these problems with my 84gl. $200 car get what you pay for:confused:

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Is this car an automatic? If so you want want to take the little wire of the Starter and see if juice is geting to the starter. I had this problem in my 90 Loyale. I bypassed the Nuetral Safety Switch and all has been good since. Also might be you starter switch. The puff of smoke could have come from there or it could be coming from your Combination Switch.

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The alt just put in 5 or 6 months ago. Its a rebuilt alt from the parts store. The factory radio that was in it when i bought didn't work so I went to the junk yard and found another factory radio and put in it. Sometime it will fire right up. Sound like alt is junk.

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Perform a Visual Inspection of the wires to and from you alternator. Make sure your connection os solid. Also check the battery terminals and wires. Make sure it is clean and snug. Then you may want to pull your sterrinf wheel and inspect all the wires in your combination switch and take a good look at the ignition switch to make sure they are all looking good. The back plate of your ignition switch might have worked loose. That might explain the smoke and trouble starting. Dont think it would effect your Voltage Gauge but you might have more than one problem going on.

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The ignition switch sounds like it has a bad connection and that may be what is causing the voltmeter fluctuations.


Your voltage problem may also be due to the alternator. If the ignition switch is not the problem I would check the output lead with a voltmeter and see what it reads. If the alternator is ok then check the fuseible links for a loose connection. If you don't have a voltmeter I recommend you get one. You can make checks with it to determine if the device is a real problem or not. Saving you money on replacing parts needlessly.

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Pop the covers off the steering column and trace the wires from the ignition switch to the rectangular connector. I bet you find one of the corner pins has obvious signs of a short (melted/burned). I had the same problem on my '91. Cleaned up the pin and socket and used some epoxy to repair the plug. Haven't had the problem again.

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