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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Inexpensive Parts?

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Well. I am very glad to have found this forum. Not sure if this is the correct section to post in since my car is a '92 but oh well. I have recently been given a 1992 Subaru Loyale as my first car. Got my Drivers Liscense only a couple of months ago. I am extremely pleased with the ease of operation. No other manual that I have tried driving is as easy as mine. Two problems. Both my headlamps have holes in the casing and moisture within and I need a new fuel pump. Now, I dont have much money to spend and I am looking around for cheap places to purchase these parts. Most online areas I searched including eBay seemed rather steep. Thanks for any help.

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Hello, you are in the correct place since your car is a loyale.


All parts you speak of should be available second hand at a wreckers yard for a fair price.


Anyway, welcome.

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Welcome to the board. Have you tried the wreckers? Yes, car parts are expensive, you will learn that very quickly... but these cars don't need too many spares:cool:.


This is the right section for you car.

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