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Hello All

I have a 05 Forester that I'm changing the oil on every two months. I always use a Subaru oil filter from the dealer, but at $9.00 plus it gets expensive. Are there any good web sites dealing in OEM Subaru parts (especially oil filters) that you can recommend?



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Any reason you change your oil every 2 months or have to use Genuine Subaru filters? Last I heard, Purlator makes Subaru filters, and I got a PureOne for like $4 at Autozone. You could stretch that interval out quite a bit by going with a semi- or full--synthetic oil, as well.



This oil filter study should give you a fairly good idea of which non-OEM filters are good.

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Thanks to all who replied, I have been looking into after market filters and will check the filters you mentioned. The reason for the frequent oil changes is that I do alot of highway driving to work and and rack up 3k within two months. I have thought about using synthetic oil, but with the miles and frequent oil changes I'll stay with the fossil stuff.

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