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86 Wagon Overheating prob

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Hey everybody, My 86 ea81 wagon keeps getting waaay too hot!


Ive replaced the thermostat,wired the fan to constant on, reversed the heatercore lines in an effort too backflush,and still too hot.


Im not burning coolant, or otherwise losing it, and it doesnt matter if i m in city or freeway, just getts too hot!


Help me please!!

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One thing to check...


go for a drive, then *carefully* feel around on the radiator while the engine is off.


You're looking for cool/cold spots. If there are any, they will probably be near the bottom/center of the rad. This is indicative of a clogged radiator, for which the best solution is often a new one.

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i know this may sound like a dumb question but is there a plastic Wal-mart bag in the way of the radiator????? LOL had a guy come in to the shop the oother day and said that 4 other mechanics couldnt figure out why his car was over heating, looked up and there she was a bright blue wal-mart bag. other than that hooziewhatsit has a great suggestion, if you not loosing any coolant at all.

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If the rad has become inefficient the sure sign is that the faster you go on the highway, the warmer she runs. If you've already replaced the thermostat and the fan kicks in when it should and you have the proper amount of coolent, then it's time for the radiator to be replaced. Don't waste your money on a flush of the system....that generally costs $30 to $40 and a new radiator can be had for around $100.

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