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Update: WCSS7 Picture CD

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I'm gonna see about getting the pictures out this soon. if you've posted or pm'd in this thread you're on the list, arbitrary cut off is next tuesday, the 2nd, i'll take the weekend to burn the discs and should have them out by wednesday the 3rd.


I've got about 700 hi res pictures that i'm gonna be putting onto CD's or DVD's if its possible. it'll probably take me about 1-2 weeks to string the panoramic pictures together and organize the pictures into nice folders. depending on how many cd's it will take to get them all on i'm thinking 10 bucks should cover it.


the plan is to have the 10 dollars go to the USMB, cause my cost isn't that much, maybe 2 bucks plus my time.


At this point I just want a PM with "WCSS7 pictures" in the subject line so i know what its for, i'll need an address to mail to, and how many copies you want, if you want more than one.


I have my own burner this year, so i'll be able to take the time to make sure each cd works, sorry if i burned you last year.


If your computer is not so fast, i'll let you make that determination, i can resize the pictures, anything older than about 3 years will not enjoy the 4 Mb picture files.

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it'll probably take me about 1-2 weeks to string the panoramic pictures together


what program are you using to do this? Have you tried this one? http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mbrown/autostitch/autostitch.html


I've done quite a few with it, and it's EASY. I think you can even open multiple panoramas, and it will put the correct ones together.



sounds like wcss7 was a lot fun.. sucks I had to miss it :banghead: ohwell, always next year :drunk:

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Was great meeting you, Noah. . . after having seen you up here and heard nice things said about you. Laurel and I will definitely be hitting you up for a copy when they're ready.


Will you be accepting Paypal, or setting something up for electronic payments? :)

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At this point I just want a PM with "WCSS7 pictures" in the subject line so i know what its for, i'll need an address to mail to, and how many copies you want, if you want more than one.



easy as that.

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