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Loyale mystery clutch prob

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My clutch is slipping again! And for an unknown reason the problem will go away....

It happens when I make an increase in power for the engine. I increased air intake, it did it for short time. I stopped EGR , it did it again for short time, even changing plugs to Bosch platinums bewildered it's set ways.Under heavy load only, about half a dozen times,from 3rd to 5th gear, before I got to feel the extra pull the extra power the engine was given with true grip.Anybody explain? I almost bought a clutch until I realized it doesn't slip all out, and strangely grabbed very strong in its slip at 4000 rpm range when hp is maxxed.

Should I count on clutch soon, or is there some kind of "feel out a new alignment" for the new power? Also, I cannot have the rubber timing plug in or it keeps doing it. Does this mean I have a seal spewing drops of oil causing slip? The plug out is obviously "drying" something letting flywheel into open air..I really did increase power well beyond my expectation, what is succesful limit for power applied on stock clutch?

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ok, thanks. Its back to normal. I found there's a delay in feul/air/firing and a crazy surge of power when I change something on the engine that increased power. Once that tunes in (ECM?) I am back to full throttle if need be, at the slipping rpms, with no slip, and keeping the gain.

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holy mackeral! Miles Fox is the winner. I checked again for the heck of it, it was in fact too tight. I just adjusted it about 3 months ago, but it was very cool outside. Things changed apparently.(also to mention what I did to engine)Thanks again.

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