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On a Subaru 2.2 or 2.5 N.A. under normal hot weather driving what should the water temps run at in Fahrenheit’s, what is normal operating temp range ?


Also what is the correct temp thermostat to use?


I'm considering converting to a Turbo. Do Turbo’s run hotter, if so at what temps?



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The factory thermo is labeled: 78*C, which is 172*F. Most folks that run a performance setup use the Zerosports 71*C / 160*F aftermarket unit. The Zerosports is a real Fuji (FHI) part which is an important distinction. DON'T use anything except a Fuji part.


Subaru cooling systems place the thermo at the water inlet as opposed to the outlet like most other arrangements. I'm not sure why, so I'll just assume it's a better way to do it.


Maybe someone else can chime in as to why ...I'm curious.

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  blitz said:
The factory thermo is labeled: 78*C, which is 172*F. Most folks that run a performance setup use the Zerosports 71*C / 160*F aftermarket unit. The Zerosports is a real Fuji (FHI) part which is an important distinction. DON'T use anything except a Fuji part.


Subaru cooling systems place the thermo at the water inlet as opposed to the outlet like most other arrangements. I'm not sure why, so I'll just assume it's a better way to do it.


Maybe someone else can chime in as to why ...I'm curious.


But what is the normal engine operating temp for a 2.2 or 2.5. Is 190-200 normal for hot weather driving?

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  OhChit said:
But what is the normal engine operating temp for a 2.2 or 2.5. Is 190-200 normal for hot weather driving?

I've never measured it, so I don't really know, but here's some book data:


My '02 2.5 manual lists normal discharge temp as 185*F.


It lists beginning-to-open thermo temp as 173*F, and full-open temp as 196*F for both turbo & non-turbo.


It indicates primary fan on-temp as 203*F for the non-turbo and 205*F for the turbo.


That should at least give you some indication of the range where Subaru is trying to keep the coolant temp.


A turbo motor of a given displacement will generate more thermal energy than an identical displacement N/A motor since it's burning more fuel and air, so the radiator ideally should be of a larger capacity.

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