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EJ22 wiring woes, HELP!

cracked head

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Hi guys. I have the EJ comfortably nestled in the engine bay of my '85 XT, and I'm trying to wire the damn thing without any luck at all so far.

Please tell me if there's any problem with the set up.

It's a '97 Impreza motor with a '96 Legacy CPU and harness.

Are they compatible??

The pinout that I have for the computer doesn't seem to match up to the wiring, and there's a plug to the engine that doesn't look right. (it's the small 6 pin one in that cluster of 3 plugs.)

I think the wiring is from an automatic 'cause there are too many wires going to the tranny for it to be a manual. (2 big plugs)

As far a I can tell, if I plug all the plugs into the motor and the MAF, and the Ignitor, it should fire if everythig is compatable. At least, I should get spark., but I get no spark, or injector action.

What's wrong?!?! Any ideas??

Looking forward to advice from the experts.


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try ordering the wiring harness printout from kennedy adapters, its well worth the 22 bucks. I havn't torn into mine yet, but i can see that it will be much simpler, and less wirey (austin style) with their simplified schematic.

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