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No chilton? No problem! Damn books are about useless. If I had money I'd order FSM's as I needed them. However if you call around to dealerships and ask real nice they usually let you come and photocopy sections of their FSMs that you need for the task at hand.


How about Alldata? I hear they are a pretty good resource.

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I have used alldatadiy.com for my other cars, but not subaru.



They have really nice flowcharts for diagnosing trouble codes, but some material is lacking in other areas.


I would try subaru's website where you can download Factory manual pages. If you have a hi-speed internet connection, that would be ideal. You could stay up late one night with a 12 pack of beer and download the whole thing for a pretty low price. It hink it is 24.99 or something like that.



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