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Replacing two Forester tires

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My daughter's 99 Forester S has Michelin MXs with which we replaced the Geolanders (bad!). Now one has a tear in the sidewall and another has had a couple of problems -time to replace although they have only used about 35%-40% of their treadlife. I am about to replace the two problems with Michelin Harmony - as close as I can come to the extinct MX's. Thoughts about replacing two instead of all four? Put them on front or back?(The dealer suggests front). Harmony as an acceptable SUV tire? Other suggestions? Thanks...

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Whoa!!! Do some searches on this topic before you replace the two tires! You may be forced to buy 4 instead. I believe that I've read many times on this forum that Subaru's all wheel drive system MUST have all 4 tires within a quarter of an inch of each other in circumference, or else you will do expensive damage to the system. That would pretty much dictate that all tires be of the same brand and have the same amount of wear. Don't quote me, but check first. Maybe someone else can jump in here and clarify?

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  gbhrps said:


Whoa!!! Do some searches on this topic before you replace the two tires! You may be forced to buy 4 instead. I believe that I've read many times on this forum that Subaru's all wheel drive system MUST have all 4 tires within a quarter of an inch of each other in circumference, or else you will do expensive damage to the system. That would pretty much dictate that all tires be of the same brand and have the same amount of wear. Don't quote me, but check first. Maybe someone else can jump in here and clarify?


Yeah, do a little research. I THINK the VC center diff on the manual tranny cars are a LITTLE more forgiving. BUT - Subaru says 1/4" CIRCUMFERENCE. If possible, have the new tires 'shaved' down - if you can find a shop that does it. Otherwise, get 4 tires.



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Normally I disagree with a lot of folks here about how strict you have to be with the .25" spec. (do a search with the words: 'Tires & Xmission Damage Myth or Fact')


BUt in this case, I'd probably agree with everyone here in light of the fact you plan to put on michelin harmonies, which I think are supposed to last 80k miles. WHile the remaining yoko's probably only have 20k miles left in them. The "savings" in terms of extending the life of the harmonies is not that significant.


Besides, it sounds like you don't like these tires, so this would be a good excuse to get rid of them (if they're in ok shape, maybe the tire place will give you some credit).

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thanks for all the replies. I did do more than a bit of checking and you are all correct. As a point of info, I had long since replaced the awful Yokos with Michelin MX whatever they were so it was these that needed replacing now.


I opted - most expensive choice - for four of the new Michelin HydroEdge which cost a relative fortune but which had remarkably good comments from Subaru owners on a bunch of sites - both Subaru and tire sites.


Also looked at the new Goodyear rain tire which gets good comments and, of all things, the Bridgestone Turanza LS or something like that. I have four

Bridgestones on my 95 Legacy wagon and they have been very successful although they don't last forever.


Again, thanks.

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