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Haynes vs Chiltons vs FSM--the winner is:

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Any opinions? Haynes used to rock, but now it seems as if they're written for dolts who never saw the inside of a transmission. I've read terrible reviews on the Legacy/OBW Chilton's manual, and never was much of an FSM man, mostly because of the cost.


I've found free online FSMs for my Jeep, but never for any other vehicle I've owned.


What do you all use?

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Mechanically, I'm a rank beginner. In reading Haynes and Chilton I've found each to have some level of detail the other lacks. For me, having both are useful (and I get my Chilton from the public library!)


Haven't seen a FSM for a '95 Legacy. Wouldn't mind having access to a free copy. Hmmm...the library might have too.

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  q240z said:
and never was much of an FSM man, mostly because of the cost.


Factory manuals are more expensive and especially the manuals for the newer Subarus and want the whole set of 8. One thing I keep in mind is "you get what you pay for", usually anyways. I normally order a FSM for any car I own. I didn't at first on my '01 Outback due to the cost and with a new car you have the warranty. I ended up finding a new set of manuals on Ebay for less than half the new cost so I purchased them.


The FSM can save you time and money in the long run I believe, even over other manuals due to their detail. To me, the FSM is the best way to go.

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  Cougar said:
Factory manuals are more expensive and especially the manuals for the newer Subarus and want the whole set of 8. One thing I keep in mind is "you get what you pay for", usually anyways. I normally order a FSM for any car I own. I didn't at first on my '01 Outback due to the cost and with a new car you have the warranty. I ended up finding a new set of manuals on Ebay for less than half the new cost so I purchased them.


The FSM can save you time and money in the long run I believe, even over other manuals due to their detail. To me, the FSM is the best way to go.


Sorry for hijacking the thread---I have a question about factory manuals. I purchased what I thought was a complete factory shop manual for our '98 Legacy when we bought the car new in late '97. I paid for the manuals, put them up on a shelf, and didn't need them until recently. Apparently, Subaru publishes only updates as manual sections, year by year. I've got factory shop manual sections 8 and 9----what do I need to purchase to have a complete shop manual set for this vehicle??

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The manuals cover more than one year for the general items. The series probably started in '96 for your model. My series of manuals may be slightly different but should be close at least.


Manual section #

1. General Information

2. Engine

3. Engine Diagnostics

4. Transmission/Transaxle

5. Suspension/Steering/Driveline/Axle

6. Brakes

7. Body, Cab and Accessories

8. Restraints Section/HVAC/Wiring System


I also have a Legacy Mechanism and Funtion Book


You may find the other the other manuals you are missing on Ebay if you can wait for them to show up. If want to purchase some new ones then get in touch with SubieGal (Jamie) at www.allsubaru.com . She will give you a good discount over full new prices. She is great to deal with.


The main ones to have I think are the engine and wiring manuals (2, 3, & 8) but it is nice to have the rest if needed.

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From 95 to 99, the Legacy FSM was a set of updates. The first two ringed binders are for the 95 model year, they put out at least one book per year with only the updated material, so if you have a 98 Legacy, you'll need the FSMs for model years 95, 96, 97 and 98. In 2000 they came to their senses and went back to printing a complete manual for evey model year. I have a set of FSMs for a Legacy from 1995 to 99, but for some reason, there is no wiring diagram for the 95 model year, starting in 96 there is one, but it isn't complete. If I remember correctly, there are 13 books that make up the FSM for the Legacy model years 95 to 99.

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