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my check engine light is on(92 legacy), i got a HAYNES repair manual for the legacys (1990-98). according to the trouble codes its:


Code 11 (1 long flash, 1 short flash)- crank angle sensor/circuit- "(problem)no reference pulse"


Code 24 (2 long flash, 4 short flash)- Air control valve- "(problem) open or shorted air controle valve circuit"


of course therse a note like "see section 5" or" se chapter 4" but thers not a word about those two problems. I dont wanna go to dealership, that costs money,...

i'm couting on youre help


take care

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The crank angle sensor is inside the distributor. The pickup loop may be bad.


The air control valve connection is in front of the throttle body. Check for a bad connection or open coil.



Disregard the above info. Wrong model car.

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Do you have an illuminated CEL all the time, or did you just check the codes, and find those.


If you don't have a steady CEL, reset the ECU, pull fuse 14 for 30 min. Drive the car around, then recheck the codes with the black connectors.


IAC valve



Crank sensor (thing with the wire going to it)


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Do you have an illuminated CEL all the time, or did you just check the codes, and find those.


If you don't have a steady CEL, reset the ECU, pull fuse 14 for 30 min. Drive the car around, then recheck the codes with the black connectors.


IAC valve



Crank sensor (thing with the wire going to it)



hey, so ive disconected the negative terminal from the battery for like 2 hours, and the CEL is now flashing, dosent matter if the engine is running or just the igition on,...

ive checked out he connections to the IAC, the angle sensor seems to be ok, i can change it, but i dont know if that would help, i mean , the car is running great, it has pick-up, thats because engine is falling a part :drunk: ,...

i have a trip, 500 miles to go back home, i dont want to get stuck on the road, since i dont hava a triple A card:dead: ,...

take care

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Are the black or green diagnostic connectors connected? If they are, disconnect them.


no, they are disconnected. when i connect them the radiators fans go on and some other crazy things,...

and the CEL is flashing all the time,... and i dont know what to do,...


take care

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