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Anybody change an axle in a Turbo EA82 lately?

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Because if you did, and if you ordered it from Advance Auto Parts, I may have gotten your core.


I'm NEVER shopping there again unless I have no choice.


First of all, I went in there looking for this axle, and I checked everything they had in stock that is SUPPOSED to fit a turbo EA82 5 speed. Each and every one had 23 splines in the DOJ. We finally found one that was supposed to have a 25 spline DOJ. Took two days to get the thing in.


Today I go to install it... and open the box... and I find a filthy old axle caked with mud, with the boot ripped wide open and grease oozing everywhere. I'm FURIOUS. They ordered me a new axle, and following the completion of this repair, I'm never going back there. $#^#$%@#ers.




However, this one did have a 25 spline DOJ. :rolleyes:

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Nothing personal and I feel your pain and anger. But I never leave the parts store without opening the box and looking inside. It's amazing how often what's in the box is not what I wanted/needed; altho I've never gotten a core axle before. I have to agree with Shawn on the MWE axles and another place which seems to work consistently is www.cvaxles.com.

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dude! you are placing blame on the wrong party. its not the store's fault, it is the destributors and manufacturer. remember , iwork for advance, its not the first time thats happened, but its not the store's fault. monroe had that problem with struts a couple years ago. they would send back the cores in the gas-matic boxes.


unless they hassle you about it, dont blame advance, remember, the company they get their parts from serves most part stores.


and always open the box when you order parts, that the first thing i do, and i even work there.


trust me, im your frined, i wouldnt lie to you, its not always the store, and when it is, its usually an accident.


*end rant*





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