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I checked all the related threads and could not find a suitable answer for my question. My 98 RS recently blew the head gasket. Its got the EJ25 Phase I engine with 120,000 miles. After toying with the idea of simply selling it "as is", I have decided to atleast fix it before i make a decision about whether or not to sell it. I really like the car and I'd rather not sell it if i can help it. It is very important that i have a car that is reliable, and so far this has been the best in that respect. Im currently shopping around to find the best price, unfortunatly no one will give me a dollar figure. They usually say something like "it'll be alot". I do realize itll probably cost around $1500. Im just about to go to one of the local subaru dealerships to see what they have to say. What I really wanted to know is just how reliable the engine will be after it has been fixed? Will there still be a high probability of the head gasket failing again? Will any other systems be affected? Am I better off selling once I have fixed it? I heard somewhere that the engine should be almost like new once it is fixed (i doubt that), is this true?

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installed by a pro you should be fine if the engine is in good shape. This may depend on how much the car was overheated (cylinder-piston damage) and how much coolant got in the oil (bearing damage).

One of the folks on the board had bearing trouble after repair and I believe he felt that coolant got in the oil.

You can inspect the oil and inspect cylinders and valves when the engine is apart.

I have heard very little about repeated failures of the new gaskets, and your motor is faily low mileage for a Subie.

I would tear it down and inspect first. If it looked OK I would have the valves done and new gaskets myslef. By the way my money is where my mouth is because that's just what my car got.

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120k before the headgaskets went is awesome. Mine went out at 90k. I'm at 117K now and no signs of issues. I do seriously recomend getting at least the head gasket from the dealership as the felpro gaskets are still of the old design. Subaru upgraded the headgaskets to be stronger.


As for the price. Well that depends on who you know. I knew a few mechanics really well at a subaru dealership

I had done


New timing belt

water pump


rocker gaskets

head gaskets

recored radiator

flushed system

and a few other things done for 1,500.00 on the nose


As for reliability. I complain a lot under my breathe about the cost of sensors and how they go out. But the damn car just keeps going. It's very rare when I see smoke blowing out the exhaust of a subaru. As long as you didn't over heat the car much when the gaskets went, and you can afford every now and then a sensor. I say go for it.

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Im slightly confused either im getting a good deal or im about to get ripped off...



I took my car to the dealership and they gave me a rough estimate. As Subaru X said $1500 is what i should rougly expect to pay. The dealship quoted me $950 plus they said I would get a discount on the labor, because it would take over 10 hours to complete.


The estimate supposedly included replacing, servicing and fixing anything that could have been damaged.


I set up an appointment on monday, for them to take a look at the car, and hopefully give me a more... accurate estimate. I cant believe thats what there gonna charge me, it seems way to low.


On a different note... The first time the car over heated i had just turned on the car and driven it 50 ft down the road to a stop light. I looked down and the temp gauge was just about at the "H". I immediatly shifted into neutral and slowly rolled it into an abandoned parking lot. From there it was towed on a flat bed. The second time, i noticed it while i was at a stop sign. I must have been driving it while it was overheated, though i dont know for how long. Hopefully not long enough to do any real damage.


How long does it take for an overheated engine to become severly damaged?

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sounds like it might not have been overheated too much. I ran mine for approximately the same as you did. if you are driving it to the dealership then make sure you empty out some of the excessive fluid in the over flow resivour and re-fill the radiator. Should be able to drive about 20-50 miles before anything happens. As for how long it takes before it is really trashed. I'm affraid I have no idea. Maybe someone else can come in on this one.

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In the winter they notice the heater cut out and look sometimes. Several folks I know of drove the car until steam was coming out the hood, and at least one woman until the engine siezed. A few others had several small overheats.

Of the folks that gave it one good boil it seems that gaskets and a valve job did it.

Of the woman who drove until it stopped I believe she got a whole new engine.

What do you other folks recall?

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I figure im going to be cautious. Im gonna get my brother to tow it the dealership on his flatbed. I'd rather not drive it anymore. The engine oil is a "soupy mixture", its also got alot of bubbles in it(i assume from the coolant). Easier to tow than to put some new oil in it just to get it to the dealership. They'd probably have to drain it anyway.

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When you bring in your car for the head gasket replacement, you should have the heads checked as well to make sure that they did not warp.


If they are warped, you will definately need to replace them as well, this will probably add anywhere from $700 to $1000. Failure to replace the heads will mean more blown head gaskets.


The water pump, thermoastat, timing belt, all the seals and gaskets in the engine should also be replaced as well as cleaning out the radiator. The reason is to help prevent any possible heating problems in the event some sludge or foreign object could cause a blockage creating another overheating problem.


If the mechanic who does the work is good, you should not have any problems for a very long time.

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The dealership contacted me today. They recalculated the original estimate that they gave me. It is now around $1400. I guess I dont have much of a choice. This will put me in debt for quite a while.....damn the head gasket!!!

Thanks for all your help.

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Lousy Dealership. They recalculated their estimate again. This time well over $1500. "we didnt know it was a dual cam..." I told the guy the first time i talked to him...he didnt believe me. Now im gonna have to donate some sperm to get some extra cash...

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