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AC Compressor Won't Spool up

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So i poped open the hood, and the clutch for the compressor isn't engaging. Checked the fuse, its fine, un-plugged & plugged in the cables into the compressor. Still doesn't work.. any ideas? maybe the relays? how do i check those....


Edit - idea: can i short out the pressure switch to see if that's what's making it not work? i can't seem to find an A/C wiring diagram in my haynes.

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On my 93, I jumped the wire coming off the compresser to the positive on the battery to make sure mine was working. I played with the relays and it finally works like it should. On your 97 I dont know how many wires you have on the compressor. From my experience, sub used two different styles/brands. calsonic & zexal Hopefully Legacy will check in. He seems to be the guy to go to for a/c info.


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