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Gen 2 brat dome light upgrade ???

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Ok I know that you can use a domelight from an EA82 on an EA81 wagon or something... but do they fit in brats too? Has anyone done it? I dont even know how to get the dome light out of my brat... its not like a normal light, it has a little spotlight that shines forward and a bit opening in the back as a cargo lamp with a little disk you can rotate to shade the bed. I didnt see it listed in the USRM or on Brians page... where did it disappear to? :banghead:

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To remove - pull off the cap (just pull hard - who cares if you break that peics of s!@t). The real removal is just turning it till you find the gap in the ridge that holds the thing on, then it should just fall off. But like I said - just pull, you won't break it. There's two screws underneath the cover...


Never have figured out what they were thinking with that EA81 dome light. That's got to be the most worthless dome light I have ever seen. I mean - I'm in the ARMY, and I know all about light disipline, but that thing is nuts. What would you use it for? I can't even find the ignition with one.....


Flo - already got one - installed too. You should have asked me - I've had one in the wagon for about a year. Put one in the Brat a few weeks ago. I did just get a map light from a loyale today tho - figured I would try to install that in the Brat as well. Could come in handy when off-road at night.


Oh and the yard is..... well, if I gave away all my secrets then the place would be picked clean in no time. I'll tell you in person some time :brow:



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