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The Advance Auto near my house is worthless.

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Haven't posted in a while, thought I'd say hi.


My aunt dumped a nice 91 loyale on me, in hopes that I could fix some stuff and sell it for her. I decided that I would install timing belts and put oil seals and a water pump on the front. No problem.


Went to Advance, 10 miles away. Got timing belts, front main seal. Had to order cam seals, water pump. They said they would be there in two hours. Cool.


Two hours later, they said they had missed the ordering window. The stuff would be there in another two hours. OK.


Two hours later, they had oils seals and water pump. Went home. Opened water pump box. Wrong one. Went back, ordered correct water pump, also tried to order oil pump seal kit. They said they couldn't get it.


I went back home, and installed one cam seal. Opened the box to the other seal...wrong one. Dammit. Went back, ordered correct seal, talked to someone else, found the oil pump seal kit.


What a fricken' pain in the rump roast.


Anyway the car is still sitting in the driveway, with the oil pump out, one cam seal installed and the front crank seal installed. I should have been done yesterday.

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that s**t wouldnt fly at my store, i currently work at advance.


my store is great, we go the extra mile for customer service, although i get in trouble for being too helpful and taking too much time.


ive heard that there are a few craptastic stores in northern va. advance auto is a great store, there just seem to be a few idiots running that store down there.


everything ive ordered has been right. the only time i know that something wasnt right was when a guy cam in to buy brakes for his lincoln continental, the brakes the computer came up with had the wrong brackets on em.



hey, even the worst advacne is better than pepboys, at least in my area.

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Had great luck with my local Advance Auto, and with the next-closest one to my house too. I think it depends on what dude you get behind the counter.


- Freed


thats the KEY,,, If you get a guy who really knows his stuff, then things seem to work out better,, however ,, if you get some guy who is just there for the Job,,, then ,, your going to have problems,, I have experianced the same sort of crap from AdvanceAuto

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Advance actually has a very good distribution network in place. In my area (Columbus, OH) they are probably just a step behind NAPA in terms of speed. They seem to have access to a lot more of hard-to-find items than places like Autozone. Their prices, quality of merchandise, and cross-reference materials are also pretty good.

Sounds like you got some bad counter help. This happens more often at the discount chains, but is certainly not typical. I would look for an Advance that is in close proximity to a competing chain. Seems like these locations are better run, and have the best counter help.

You can also help your cause by asking lots of questions, asking to look at blow-up diagrams, etc. If there is more than one part #, ask them to order both. Take your old parts in whenever possible. Even the doofiest counter guy can usually match things up correctly.

If you don't feel confident when you place the order, don't place the order!!

good luck, John

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I have to tell you guys this story....I went in my local Carquest shop and asked for a 22mm open end /box end wrench. After the guy got done spitting his chew into a mountain dew bottle, he asked me what I was workin' on. I told him I was replacing the O2 sensor in my car...not mentioning what type of car it was.


He told me that metric wrenches are extra cause noone uses them except those "Jap" cars and they are really hard to get. I mentoned to him that my buddies Chevy Silverado has a ton of metric bolts on it...and the guy told me word for word that I was full of sh*t and didn't know what I was talking about.


At this point I left the store before I was forced to knock someone out, cause this guy is a complete tool. End result, I went to NAPA and now they take pretty good care of me.

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ive notice a lot of rudeness from car quest employees, i actually applied at one location here and then when i called to check on the app, which i was told to call that day, i was rudely told that the job had been filled a few days earlier, the real question is why did they keep stringing me along just to tell me to screw off.

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They finally got everything right. They guy opened the seal box, and it was the same one I had returned! But he had recieved the correct one, that store and it's warehouse have some organizational issues.



The car is running again. Anyone wanna buy a Loyale?

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